Proverbs 11 Prayers and Confessions

Lord, you declare that false balances and unjust weights are an abomination to yourself. So, I solemnly commit to do business without cheating or deceiving others, or representing things to be other than the way they really are. I pray you will find delight in the way I do business, in Jesus’ name, Amen. (vs 1)

Lord, open my eyes to the value of lowliness, for “with the lowly is wisdom”. Give me this wisdom. At the same time, I reject the coming of pride, which brings shame. (vs 2)

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The Judgments of God

Every violation of God’s wisdom will set into motion a chain of consequences that will bring pain, hurt and loss.

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Leadership Development

I want this site to contain valuable resources for people who aspire to be effective leaders – whether it be in Christian ministry, in the marketplace, or in the family. While compiling this information, I am trusting that the Lord will quicken these principles to me as well, so that I can be as Christlike as possible.

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The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil

And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, ” Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; but of the tree of the
knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.” (Genesis 2:16)

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What is a Blessing?

Chapter 4

What Is A Blessing?

A blessing..…to pronounce a wish of happiness onto someone, or to set apart for holy purposes, to praise or glorify God or the Lord Jesus Christ, to speak God’s goodness to one another.

Webster’s 1828 Dictionary
(which used the KJV to

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The New Creation

“We, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth wherein dwelleth righteousness” – 1 Peter 3:13; Rev Chapters 21 and 22.


Hebrews 11, speaks to us about the great faith people, one of which was Abraham. He obeyed God implicitly when asked to move out into something new. The underlying motivation for Abraham’s unwavering trust in God, was an understanding of the topic we will be discussing in this lesson. Abraham had a revelation of “the city which has foundations, whose builder and maker is God”, v10.

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Fixing a Bad Relationship

If you had a bad relationship with somebody it is best to follow these steps:

Usually there are faults on both sides in any relationship problem. One of the keys to being blessed by God in this area is humility. You may consider that the other person is 90% to blame, while your blame is only 10%. Nevertheless, you are not responsible for that person’s attitudes and actions, only your own. There is the possibility you have misunderstood what they said and did. The more you humble yourself in this process the more you can expect God’s blessing.


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The Will of God about Prosperity

Our God is a good God. You know, there is no bad in God, and there is no good in the devil. Jesus said, "The thief comes to kill, steal and destroy. I have come that they might have life, and that they may have it more abundantly." (John 10:10).

godliness with contentment

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Lead Us not into Temptation

Overcoming Satan with one Verse

God’s message to protect his Children from trials and temptations

Also available in these languages:



I remember this day very well because something supernatural happened to me. I had just started opening my Holy Bible to find where to read. Suddenly, my heart caught an invisible fire. It was as if the room temperature had suddenly been increased. Had the house caught fire? No, there was no visible smoke or fire in the room.

I realised that this was the mighty presence of the Holy Spirit.

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