A Starry Night in the Desert–and God Is There

I will never forget that night I stood alone in the desert wilderness, far from any other human being, staring up in the incredible darkness at the starry sky above. The Milky Way stretched out across the blackness, its millions of stars brilliant pinpoints of light, razor sharp. It was pitch black about me because there was no moon; I raised my hand in front of my face to see if it was true–and it was: I could not see my hand in front of my face. But that dense blackness only made the stars above seem to shine all the brighter.

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Prayer Pastoring – Chapter 2 – Grace

This is the second chapter of our eBook
on Prayer Pastoring. The first chapter dealt with step one praying
for mercy. We often have judgements against us that halt our prayers
for ourselves therefore we need God’s mercy. Without mercy our
prayers are hindered. We often mistake opposition as coming from
spiritual warfare but many times it is coming from God himself and we
are reaping what we have sown. This opposition is the judgement of
God. Chapter one explains this process.


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Teaching on Festivals

Teaching on Festivals                                                   Pastor Caspar McCloud

 Upper Room 2010

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Planted in the House of God – by Evangelist P.S. Rambabu

The righteous will flourish like a palm tree, A they will grow like cedars of Lebanon; planted in the house of the lord, they will flourish in the courts of our God. They will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green, proclaiming, “The lord is upright; he is my Rock, and there is no wickedness in him.” Psalms 92:12-15.

These verses from Psalm 92 declare that we are, in fact, planted in God’s house. The call and purpose of a Christian is first and foremost to glorify God, and that should be the primary desire on which all our other desires are based.

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Partnership in the Gospel – by P.S. Rambabu

Partnership in the Gospel

Some relatively simple – but hard-hitting – questions are posed by Paul in Romans 10:14-15:

How, then, can they call on the one they have nol believed in? And how can they believe in tin- one of whom they have not heard? And how can (hey hear without someone preaching to them’.’ And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”

The answer to each question is equally simple, “They cannot.” A person cannot hear and believe without someone proclaiming the gospel message to them.

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Effects of Preaching the Gospel

The doctors say that perfect eyesight is 20/20 – vision.
When I read Acts 20:20 one day it brought a vision that changed my life. From that day I have followed the 20/20 vision!

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Entering the Breakthrough – by P.S. Rambabu

Moses was a great man of God, the man who had been used to bring Israel out of Egypt. The time came when Moses had to die. God said to Moses to ordain Joshua to be the next leader in his place. Moses laid his hands upon Joshua and ordained him to be the next leader. Immediately God brought a word to Joshua. I want to bring the same word to you now. It is a prophetic word from the Almighty God.

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Use What you Have – by P.S. Rambabu

Chapter 3

Using what you have

So you know that the Lord has called you to serve Him. You know He has anointed you. But you want to know where to start in your ministry and how to see that anointing grow. You may wonder why not everyone who is indwelt by the same Holy Spirit see amazing things happening in their lives.

The points I am going to make in this chapter are so simple that you will wonder why you have been wasting your time up until now. The Bible says in Acts 10:38: …

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