Impossible to Possible – Part 2 – Dare to Win – by Rambabu

When the Holy Spirit comes on you, a damp squib, a WlNh-out, will become a stick of dynamite. The impossible Will become possible.

I Samuel 8:4 tells us that Israel wanted a King:

So all the elders of Israel gathered together and came to Samuel at Ramah. They said to him, “You are old, and your sons do not walk in your ways; now appoint a King to lead us, such as all the other nations have.”

Samuel was displeased, that the people did not recognize the LORD as their King.

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Walk In Courage (ii)

I tell you for the glory of God. I have been in full-time ministry for the past 13 years, with not one single failure during my crusades. I can honestly say I have never returned from a mission and had to admit: “1 failed there; because it was a hard place.” Do you know why? It’s because I know that God is with me. Roman 8:31 (b) says:

“…If God is for us, who can be against us?”

Why do we get discouraged?

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Grace to Forgive – Power to Heal

Which Way Lord – Chapter 16 – Dr Chandrakumar

Grace to Forgive – Power to Heal

And it came about one day when Jesus had come back to His own city Capernaum that He was teaching; and many were gathered together, so that there was no longer room, even near the door. There were some Pharisees and teachers of the law sitting there, who had come from every village of Galilee and Judea and from Jerusalem; and the power of the Lord was present to heal them.

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Faith with Obedience Brings Healing

Jesus went to the sheep market in Jerusalem, which is right near the pool called Bethesda (Jn. 5:1-16). The word “Bethesda” means, the house of mercy, but to many it was a house of misery. In verse 1 John links this miracle with the healing of the nobleman’s son in the previous chapter. Having dealt there with human doubt, Jesus now prepares to deal with human disability.

1. A Sad Group Of People

A group of sick and sad people were around the pool. Perhaps, they were rejected by doctors and forsaken by the relatives and the society.

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The Battle is His – Victory is Mine

Which Way Lord? – Chapter 13 – Dr Chandrakumar

The Battle Is His, Victory Is Mine

Victory is your inheritance, if you are born again, and belong to the kingdom of God by receiving Christ in your life. First, desire your victory, await readily anticipating it to come on your way and then claim it through the word of God, “You give me your shield of victory and your right hand sustains me…” (Ps. 18:35). Jesus said, “…Take courage, I have overcome the world.” (Jn. 16:33).

Our victory is solely based on Christ’s Victory on the cross.

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While it Was Still Dark

Which Way Lord? – Chapter 10 – By Dr Chandrakumar

While It Was Still Dark

Mary Magdalene came to the tomb looking for the dead body of Jesus to preserve it with carefully prepared spices and perfumes (Luke 23:55,56). This is what the majority of the so-called Christian churches are doing today – preserving the name of Jesus with their carefully prepared methods and messages rather than proclaiming the risen Lord and the hope of eternal life we receive through him.

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Faith is Seeing the Unseen

Which Way Lord – Chapter 9 – By Dr Chandrakumar

Faith Is Seeing The Unseen

God can move mountains. But we can move God himself! Faith is the means to move God.

Faith is trusting God for something to happen which we have not seen or experienced before. It is different from belief. We believe some thing that is already known to us. I don’t need faith to believe that I am wearing a wristwatch. Belief is past tense and faith is future tense. St.

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Finding God’s Will

Unless we practice the Lordship of Christ in all the areas of our lives, it is difficult to find the will of God in our lives and for our lives.

Man’s greatest honour and privilege is to do the will of God. This was what the Lord Jesus taught his disciples. He once said, that only those who did his Father’s will, would enter the Kingdom of Heaven (Matt. 7:21).

He also said that true brothers and sisters were those who do the will of God (Matt. 12:50).

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Jesus at last!

My name is Lin Bernard Nka. I was born on a quiet Friday afternoon in January 1960.the school bells were striking 4pm, workers were perceiving their very first salaries in a 23 day old independent Cameroon…I was a son of hope. My father was a Roman catholic and my mother a devout protestant who turned catholic when she got married. I had a very strict religious upbringing. My mother mixed her protestant background with Roman Catholic practices. I got involved in both congregations, dreaming of becoming a priest later.

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Gods work – No pain

Hello I’m now a 22 year old girl. Many years ago i started to get stomach pain and it came and left. Soon it started to get worse. And i didn’t go to the doctor because it wasn’t that bad at the beginning. Its just the type of person i am. I don’t eat painkillers unless its really bad. I don’t take medicine unless its really bad. I don’t cry if unless its really bad. So i didn’t go to the doctor because it was pain only a few times and not so often. But it got worse and worse and i couldn’t figure out what was wrong with me.

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