My Conversion via Bible Study

Bible Study

by Bing Chang

Graduation caps in air; laminated plaques on wall
Inflated the airs I put on; contemptuous eyes cast down on people.
Status garnered on the job; authority expanded through ranks I rose
Further pumped my bulging pride, slanting up my pompous nose.
My small mind trapped in self-confidence turned blind.
My poor intellect, soaked in complacent senses, became confined.

Agnostic me, pushing nonsense arguments in church like a pest
Annoyed a lady who asked me if I had read the Bible in earnest.
She was the angel who touched my unconscious spirit.

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Came From Backslidden Past

This is a short version of my testimony:

At 14 was born again. A year later I backslid which lasted for approx. 10 years. The night my life changed – 4am in the morning, the Lord put a thought in my head: “if you die tonight where are you going to go?”
I answered: “straight to hell”. Then the Lord put another thought in my head: “It will have to be an all or nothing decision, not half hearted!!”

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What God is doin for me!!

I am new to this site, read a few thing and throught it was good ! Just a little about myself and how My faith has helped me in the past and present. I am 45, was married for 9 years but now Divorced that was 13 years ago. I have 2 lovely grown up children girl 22 and boy 20. I used to go to church when in girl guides when young but never took it seriuos.

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He found my ring

It was 7 years ago but I still can not forget a single detail.  I went to South Padre Island with my friend Angela right after my now husband proposed to me for a last girls weekend outing.  My now husband had given me a beautiful family heirloom ring and I did not want to get any sand in it because it was so special to me so I put inside of my jean pockets.  We hung out at the beach for about an hour or so and decided to leave, but there was sand in everything.  I shook out all my clothes and towels (including my jeans)  About two hours away I remembered my ring an

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August 25th,10am My Water Baptism

My friends and I met at a home church whereby a small pool in the backyard with rose petals was prepared.

After our greetings to one another, we gathered around the pool.  We spoke of our God and the meaning of this day. Then I stepped into the pool and I was dunked in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.  It was over in seconds but I will remember the experience forever.

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A Word from God destroys the Power of Witchcraft

Brother Michael, I send you this other testimony of mine that happened a few years ago. Like many Christians I had always under-estimated the power of witchcraft until these events took place. Then I confirmed that Satan really operates through witchcraft.

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