Trusting God for a mate

I would like to share my testimony with all of you. On the 2nd of July 2000 my fiancee broke up with me for almost no reason at all. For the first time in my life I experienced such hurt and pain that I went to sit in the corner of my room and I cried. Right then I decided that come the next morning I am going to go to the Minister and set things right with God.

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Chuck Kruder is revealing how Jesus healed him of many diseases and how God revealed Himself in his life.

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Lord Jesus cares for us

I was an above average student till my tenth standard.Then I had to change school.I missed my old class mates and my grades started going down.I was becoming lazy and loosing my interest in studies.

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The Alpha Course

The Alpha and the Omega… the Alpha Course Explains – by Adrian Brookes

‘I’d been a policeman for 17 years,’ says Garry Hamilton, ‘a detective sergeant for 12 or 13 of those years. I’d become very emotionless. I could go to rapes, murders, serious crimes, and I didn’t bat an eyelid. It didn’t concern me. But the Alpha course introduced me to a love for Christ. I discovered why I had joined the police force in the first place… because I have a compassion for other people.

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The Demon Reverend Makes His Mark

It is a high-30s day at Waverley Park. The pre-season competition is under way and the Demons are sweating through their training routine. In the midst of them the ‘Reverend’, a great hunk of muscle in navy singlet and shorts, strides around with half a dozen large plastic bottles in his arms. He offers them to the players, and all eagerly accept a drink.

Neale Daniher, senior coach of the Melbourne Football Club, says it is just this kind of presence that makes club chaplain Cameron Butler so valuable. ‘Cameron’s been a great asset to us over the last couple of years,’ Daniher says.

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The Impact of John Hewitt

by Adrian Brookes

London, 1944. Hitler has turned his V1 flying bombs—his vengeance weapons—against England. A 10-year-old boy, playing outside his London home, catches the first inkling of a V1 approaching—a distinctively-pitched buzz. He freezes, and for a few moments tries to persuade himself he is mistaken. Then the wail of the air raid sirens removes any doubt. His wide eyes leap to the sky and seize on the red flame of a rocket winging over the bomb-scarred city.

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Gordon Gibbs – Hero of the Faith

by Adrian Brookes

Gordon Gibbs’ delight in God is obvious. ‘Miracles, outstanding miracles!’ he declares. ‘One man was crippled with arthritis, all the lining was off his stomach, and he’d been 12 times in psychiatric institutions. The doctors had treated him with very severe radio therapy, and said he would never be able to father another child. I prayed for him and had words of knowledge on arthritis, a mental condition and a severe stomach condition…

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Prayer for friend answered

About 9 weeks ago my friend Hannah got into a coma, her car lost control and she hit a tree. i started to pray for her to lay HIS had on her and to help me through this. every day that i prayed she was getting better. and one day i was doing C.E.F. And she woke up. and i was falling away form God because i thought He didn’t answer my prayers and my mom sent a email to me and i was was like whoa He does answer my prayers and now i am on Fire for God now because i know now He answers my Prays God is So awesome!

“James Powell”

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