Kamal Saleem: A Muslim Cries Out to Jesus – CBN.com

This story illustrates how the true God is NOT called Allah. Kamal Saleem had been trained to do cultural jihad for Islam against America. But the outpouring of Christian love after a car accident caused him to cry out to Allah. No answer. He was going to kill himself when the true God stepped in. Now Kamal is an ambassador for Jesus Christ.

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Irish Catholic Priest turns from Tradition to Truth


From Tradition to Truth

The Early Years

Born Irish, in a family of eight, my early childhood was fulfilled and happy. My father was a colonel in the Irish Army until he
retired when I was about nine. As a family, we loved to play, sing, and act, all within a military camp in Dublin.

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Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj

Sundar Selvaraj was born on 17 March 1962 into a Catholic family. He has two sisters and a younger brother. When he was about seven years old, his father embraced Hinduism and became a layman priest.

Young Sundar being the first born male child followed his father’s footsteps and became a devout Hindu. He gave himself to the study of mantras and was versed in performing pujas (religious ceremonies). He even carried the kavadi – a form of Hindu penance, for three years. When he was about 16 years old, there arose a question in his heart about karma, life after death and nirvana.

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Bob Anderson – Film Maker

Bob Anderson recounts how he came to have faith in God after struggling through a religious cult. As a professional, he has been an award-winning filmmaker, yet he has a strong sense of absolute dependence on Christ for everything in his life.

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Jesus Get Me Out of Here!

A Buddhist lady who sold herself to the devil and became full of despair shares her new freedom through calling upon the name of the Lord!

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