When I was younger I got excited about the stories in church about Noah, Jonah, Joshua and David and Gomorrah to mention a few. I wanted to follow Jesus immediately he is so WONDERFUL! Anyways I accepted him into my heart at the age of 6 years old and was picked on a little bit by brother and sister about loving Jesus. Seemed for years I was the only shining light for Jesus in the household and he was always at my side in the spirit helping me through all times.
My Testimony – Evangelist – R. Nolen Miller
Called by The Most High God (Jesus in the flesh)
Mighty Warriors of the Saints of Heaven Ministry
The Philippines – February 2009
Cebu City, Philippines
“For many are called but few are chosen”
Matthew 20:16 KJV
I received a copy of a letter, the text of which I add below, confirming the key points of Caspar McCloud’s testimony posted elsewhere on my website. I also attach the signed Word document I received.
May 26, 2010
I came across this article recently about Caspar McCloud being a rock star turned phony preacher by Rebecca Mesiner from the Scene Magazine.
Redeemed from the Miry Pit of Bulimia
Marie Notcheva
Through Him all things truly are possible. This is my story of how Jesus Christ broke the chains of a 17-year bondage to bulimia when I truly repented and turned from this idol. The same hope and freedom is available to you if you know Him as Savior and Lord.
God, Who am I?
Kirk Quesnel’s Testimony
It is no accident that you have received this tract today this is your day to receive your miracle, just as I received mine. God is not a respecter of one person over another, we are all His favourites (Acts 10:34).
I was born in a small town in Manitoba, Canada, in 1961, one of 5 boys. The early years of my life were much like any other young boys –school, friends, church, some minor mischief. But when I was about 10 years old things began to change for the worst very quickly.
I’m writing to you today, because I lived through a nightmare with a
man who was famous for evil. He was refereed to as the “Ted Bundy” of
Colorado, (a notorious murderer and rapist). It’s an almost unbelievable
story. When I cried out to God, he sent a man of God to bring “the Government
of God”, and the Gospel of His Kingdom into my life! He was as famous
for good, as the other guy was famous for evil. He is an ex-Hollywood
stuntman, heavy weight boxer, and former body guard of Eveil Knevil.
Interrupted by the Voice of God!
My ex-girlfriend and I broke up after a long relationship, and I was really tore apart inside… I started getting heavy into smoking pot…. I would look forward to going home just to get high… I would do it everyday, literally. I was going on my 6th month straight of this routine, when one night I was laying in bed completely baked… I had just bought a new ounce (which cost me over $80) and everything just came crashing in on me. I started feeling really bad about what I was doing and went back and forth for about a half hour debating in my mind whether I should just flush the whole ounce. I finally decided to do it…
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