Cori – healed of sexual abuse

I grew up in what you would call a very “churchy” enviroment when I was young. From about age 1-7 I was taken care of, a good amount of time, by my grandparents. My mother worked very hard to make ends meet. She worked all the time. My grandparents are Christians and they always taught my sister and I to pray and go to church.

My father was abusive and after many beatings my mom finally decided to get a divorce.Though I don’t know alot of the abusive situations she experienced I’m finding out more as I get older. I was abused by my father also, sexually.

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Healed Of Abuse

Vicki shares how the Lord Jesus freed her from so much sexual abuse and pain, and proved His reality to her, even after having been raped at a young age.

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Marriage Restored

When her husband left her, Michelle realised she needed God to change her life. God changed her, and restored her husband to her.

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Toni Sweikert

Finds God’s love and receiving Christ heals the wounds of an abusive past. She talks of an experience with angels.

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