With God All Things Are Possible

I spent many years hoping and praying that my husband’s attitude would change.  I was tired of taking the children to church alone.  We strived to live godly lives when it seemed that he didn’t care or even resented us for doing so.  I began to harbor great resentment towards my husband for picking fights, punishing the children without cause and for his long-standing addiction to internet pornography.    

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Forgiven and Delivered from the Guilt of Abortion – An Encounter with Jesus Christ



I remember when I turned 14. The world
didn’t make sense to me and I felt so alone and scared, like I
didn’t fit. Being a teenager, I was made to believe it was normal
for the insecurities which I felt. I now look back and see that this
was a point in time where God was calling me. I didn’t recognize
Him. He would have saved me from going through all I was going to go
through but I didn’t run to Him, I ran from Him a lot of the time-
getting myself deeper into trouble and further away from Him.

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Amazing Deliverance from Demons of Violence, Hatred and Revenge

I have read information and articles on your site which helped me use my gifts well and helped me find the true God. I firstly have to praise God for having helped you to create your site, and then I have to thank you for listening to Him and writing all the great lessons and sharing testimonies on your site in His name. God bless you in the name of Jesus Christ.

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Jesus came to me for a while….

I am 42 years of age and have been raised in the greek orthodox church. I would like to share this story with you of how jesus came to me and enveloped me in his love. It all began before I was born and mum had a vision while pregnant. An angel came to her and said you will have a baby girl and you will call her Paraskevi, mum gave birth to me and gave me that name, In our greek orthodox religion the name Paraskevi represents our Saint Paraskevi who is the holder and healer of eyes. As i grew older there were many noticeable signs that I would have many eye problems in my life.

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Delivered from Insanity, Drugs

By Cherie

When I was about 15 years old, I tasted alcohol for the first time and I knew that I was hooked. It seemed to fill me up in a way that nothing else did. I didn’t realize at the time that it felt good to me only because I was empty inside. I had something missing and something broken in my life, but I couldn’t really define what it was. I was yearning to feel complete and drinking was a counterfeit solution. It was like a bandaid. I didn’t know that I had opened a door in my soul to the devil.

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Delivered from 31 years of depression

Bev writes:

“I spent 31 years as a Christian suffering from depression. That was not God’s Will for me or anyone else that is suffering with depression. I was diagnosed as ‘Manic Depressive’ by the doctors and was on medication for many years. They were a great support for me but only Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit can truly set the captives free. ‘He whom the Son sets free is free indeed’ John 8:36”

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Out of Hatred and Abuse

This testimony is taken from the book “Jars of Clay” Copyright (C) 1999 by Rev. Claudio Freidzon. It is used republished on this website with special permission.

Until my father’s death, I had a very happy childhood. His presence always filled me with a sense of safety and love – unlike my mother’s presence. My mother rejected me for no apparent reason. Even though I was very young, she continually spanked me. My father always had to intervene to defend me.

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