When God Sends Disaster

When God Sends Disaster If anyone thinks that because God is love (1 Jn. 4:16) that he therefore would never send a disaster upon anyone,

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What the Mystery of Sleep Tells Us About God and Reality

Sometimes something is so extraordinary and beyond our capacity to explain or understand that our mind cannot fully grasp its reality. For example, when a group of Christians on a mission to Russia had a member of that group fall down some stairs and break her neck, the local atheist guide for the group was certain that no one could survive such a lethal fall. But he watched in amazement as the believers gathered around the limp body and prayed for her–and she arose no worse for the wear.

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Life-and-Death Quest

The quest of a person’s life defines that person, who he or she is. And every human being is on a quest whether they know it or not. This is because God has made us this way. He has put into our hearts a dissatisfaction with life lived solely of ourselves, and we will not be rid of this dissatisfaction until we find him as the true source and purpose of our lives.

“He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end” (Eccl. 3:11 NIV).

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Man’s Place in the Cosmos

It is one of the basic questions of life that all human beings must answer before dying, or else die a fool with a wasted life. The question can be posed in many forms: Why am I here? Why do I exist? What is my place in the universe or cosmos? Some pay no attention to the question and therefore are indeed fools when they die: “Are not the cords of their tent pulled up, so that they die without wisdom?” (Job 4:21 NIV).

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You Are Being Watched. Do You Know Why?

You Are Being Watched. Do You Know Why?

Did you know that you are being watched? Saint Paul says that the apostles are “a spectacle to the whole universe, to angels as well as to men” (1 Cor. 4:9 NIV). In other words, not only do other human beings in our world watch what those who belong to Jesus do on this planet, other beings not of this world are watching as well. Sounds like a plot for a science-fiction movie, doesn’t it? But it is truth, not fiction, and this truth is confirmed in Scripture.

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Prayer Pastoring – Chapter 2 – Grace

This is the second chapter of our eBook
on Prayer Pastoring. The first chapter dealt with step one praying
for mercy. We often have judgements against us that halt our prayers
for ourselves therefore we need God’s mercy. Without mercy our
prayers are hindered. We often mistake opposition as coming from
spiritual warfare but many times it is coming from God himself and we
are reaping what we have sown. This opposition is the judgement of
God. Chapter one explains this process.


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The Anointing with Oil – Marlies Zechner

5/ The Anointing of Oil

Exodus 29:6

Put the turban on him and tie on it the sacred sign of dedication engraved ‘Dedicated to the LORD’. 7/ Then take the anointing oil, pour it on his head, and anoint him.

We do not live under the Law of Moses any more, yet while praying for somebody who was under heavy demonic oppression God told me to, ‘anoint her with oil and dedicate her and consecrate her to God and declare her holy.‘ I have never forgotten the incident and I don’t remember God ever telling me to pray for somebody else like that again.

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