Walk in Courage (i)

Everywhere I go, I am always asked why it is that God chooses to use me. People say: “You were born into a Hindu family, in a place called Bellary which no one has ever heard of. Yet God uses you so powerfully. What’s the secret?

Well, brothers and sisters, I can honestly say that God has no favorites. He never says that one man is very special and another is not. To God, every one is equal. The Bible says that we serve a God who is no respecter of persons.

So if it is true that God loves everybody the same, why are some people used and others not?

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Grace to Forgive – Power to Heal

Which Way Lord – Chapter 16 – Dr Chandrakumar

Grace to Forgive – Power to Heal

And it came about one day when Jesus had come back to His own city Capernaum that He was teaching; and many were gathered together, so that there was no longer room, even near the door. There were some Pharisees and teachers of the law sitting there, who had come from every village of Galilee and Judea and from Jerusalem; and the power of the Lord was present to heal them.

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The Battle is His – Victory is Mine

Which Way Lord? – Chapter 13 – Dr Chandrakumar

The Battle Is His, Victory Is Mine

Victory is your inheritance, if you are born again, and belong to the kingdom of God by receiving Christ in your life. First, desire your victory, await readily anticipating it to come on your way and then claim it through the word of God, “You give me your shield of victory and your right hand sustains me…” (Ps. 18:35). Jesus said, “…Take courage, I have overcome the world.” (Jn. 16:33).

Our victory is solely based on Christ’s Victory on the cross.

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The Failure Behind Our Failures

Which Way Lord? – Chapter 12 – by Dr Chandrakumar

The Failure Behind Our Failures

Napoleon Hill said, “There are three kinds of people in the world- The wills, The wont’s and The cant’s. The first accomplish everything, the second oppose everything and the third fail in everything.” Failure is one of the negative aspects of life. We deny it, run away from it or upon being over taken, fall into permanent paralysing fear.

Probably our reluctance to face it is the failure behind our failures.

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Not Tomorrow but Today

Which Way Lord? – Chapter 8 – by Dr Chandrakumar

Not Tomorrow But Today

One reason for doing the right thing today is tomorrow. I would like to caution you that Satan is setting a definite time frame to work against us. If you fail to challenge him accordingly, you may be the loser.


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Decision Making – Which Way Lord?

Which Way Lord? – Chapter 7 – by Dr Chandrakumar

Decision Making

It is the final step we take in faith, responding to the light that God has given us through one or several of the foresaid principles. We read in Psalms 37:5, “Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him, and he shall bring it to pass.”

During the time we are seeking God’s will on a matter, we should record the light the Lord gives us as we consider all the said principles. Arrange all the factors under three columns.

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I’d like to Go and Preach the Word of God

You know, in my 20’s I used to be a preacher of the gospel. Not having the responsibility of family, it was pretty easy to “Go into all the world and preach the gospel”. I did that as much as I was able and I believe the results were fruitful.

Now that I am in my mid 40’s, blessed as I am with a lovely wife and two gorgeous daughters, the same desire to preach and bring the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ to people still burns within my heart. But I am not going any more in the same way to the lost and dying. Two Scriptures come to mind:

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Revival in Yeppoon, Queensland, Australia

Revival in a small coastal town in Australia

The following article is an account of a revival that was reported in Outreach Magazine when Pastor Peter Earle, the Principal of the School of Ministries led a bible college team to Yeppoon. (Editor’s note: It is true that this story is now 10 years old. Still it is very encouraging and can inspire us to believe for God to do such great things again in Australia.)


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Audio Sermons and Resources

This is a rather undeveloped section of the site, but there are plenty of resources which touch on this subject but don’t treat it as if for pastors.

If you are a pastor and wish to share some teaching here, please send to michael at christian-faith.com so it can be considered for publication here. In this way, you can bless and help others with the valuable things you have learned.


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