Decision Making – Which Way Lord?

Which Way Lord? – Chapter 7 – by Dr Chandrakumar

Decision Making

It is the final step we take in faith, responding to the light that God has given us through one or several of the foresaid principles. We read in Psalms 37:5, “Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him, and he shall bring it to pass.”

During the time we are seeking God’s will on a matter, we should record the light the Lord gives us as we consider all the said principles. Arrange all the factors under three columns. “PROS” (positive factors and advantages), “CONS” (negative factors and disadvantages), and “ALTERNATIVES.” This will help us greatly in making a decision.

The one who makes his decision without seeking God’s guidance will be vulnerable to Satan’s attacks. God leads us through one step at a time and he wants us to depend on him day by day and to walk by faith and not by sight. To find God’s will for our life, therefore, all we need to do at any time is to take the next step that God shows us. As we do so, we will find God’s plan unfolding gradually. You are in God’s plans – but is God in your plans?

God does not give a Blue Print for our future. There is an ancient Chinese proverb that says, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with but a single step.” If we have sought his will sincerely, we can be sure that God has over-ruled everything to let us decide rightly. The principle, we should always bear in mind is, “Never doubt in the darkness what God has shown in the light.”

One of the greatest temptations when seeking God’s guidance is to fret and become impatient. We have to be perfectly sure of God’s will before deciding. The more important the decision, the longer we usually have to wait to be sure of God’s will. Confusion about decisions to be made is often caused by listening to conflicting advice. You can listen to advise, but the word of God should be the basis for your decisions.

The story is told of a farmer, who was a fine Christian. He had an ambition that he should become a great preacher. So he always dreamt of preaching in big crusades. One day when he was ploughing, he saw two clouds in the sky coming towards his place. He went under a tree and watched them closely and the clouds looked like letters G and P, So, he wondered what that could be. Suddenly, a thought flashed on him, and he concluded that those letters G and P revealed the message, “Go Preach.” He was very excited and threw away all his tools and took his Bible and went preaching in different places. But to his great disappointment he found out that there was no response to his preaching and no fulfilment in the ministry. So, he came back to the same tree and started wondering what those letters G and P could have meant. But now he really seemed to feel God telling him “Go Plough” and so he went back to ploughing and as he was ploughing he started witnessing to his friends in the field and many received Christ.

This proves that, it was God’s will that he should take the gospel to his fellowmen in the field. If we trust in the Lord, we won’t be afraid to wait, for, none who wait for the Lord’s time will ever regret having waited for God.” …He is a God who acts on behalf of the one who waits for him.” (Is. 28:16). “Those who hopefully wait for me will not be put to shame” (Is. 49:23).

James McConkey gives us an illustration of drawing from a tap, a glass of water that is muddy and turbid. How do we clear it? We place the glass of muddy water on the table. Moment by moment the sediments are deposited at the bottom of the glass. Gradually the water grows clearer. In a few moments, it is so clear that you may distinguish objects through it. Waiting has brought it all about. The law is the same in the realm of God’s guidance. Here too God’s great precipitant is waiting.

Sometimes our perplexity is so great that it seems no guidance will ever come to take a decision. All the doors might seem to have been closed. There is an Old Italian proverb, which says, “When God shuts a door, he opens a window.”

Distressing circumstances will bring us into new discoveries of the riches of his grace and glory. The Psalmist has a precious message for the night watchers in Psalms 130:6 “My soul waits for the Lord, more than the watchmen for the morning.” How do men who wait in the night hours for the dawn, watch for the morning?

The answer is fourfold:

i) They watch in darkness.
ii) They watch for that which comes slowly.
iii) They watch for that which is sure to come.
iv) They watch for that which when comes brings the light of day

Often our perplexity is so extreme that we seem to be waiting in total darkness. But our night of uncertainty is sure to end in the dawning light of God’s guidance. If you have God’s light in your heart, it will show on your face.

God wants us to wait patiently, quietly, hopefully, expectantly and trustingly. I believe that waiting time is never a wasting time. If we wait faithfully God will never allow us to commit any blunder. He who waits on the Lord will not be crushed by the weights of adversity.

In his providence, God knows how much joy and sorrow, how much prosperity is proper for his child. God knows the best. We can never tell by the brightness of the dawn or the noontide how the evening of the day will be. The brightest sun may go down in a dark and cloudy sky.

He knows the correct balance of Sunshine and Storm, the precise mixture of Darkness and light it takes to perfect a son. – Richard Halverson.

The best way to know God’s will is to say, “ I will “ to God.

To know the will of God is the Greatest Knowledge
To Find the will of God is the Greatest Discovery
To Do the will of God is the Greatest Achievement
– George W. Truett

May the Lord help us to fulfill His plan and purpose in and through our lives. Amen.

This book is copyright by Dr Chandrakumar Manickam. It is reproduced here by permission.

Visit Dr Chandrakumar’s website for more information on his books, videos, CDs and ministry training programmes, as well as information on how to contact him for speaking engagements.

If you wish to buy the book as an e-book it will available for download in the near future. Contact us for details.

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