A Royal Heart

                    A Royal Heart We are a chosen generation with Royal hearts, called to live our

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The Boomerang God


“The Lord is famous for the way he punishes the wicked in their own snares!” (Ps. 9:16 TLB).

Yes, very famous indeed. It is a hallmark of God. When you see someone receive on his own head the very evil he foisted on someone else, it is immediately recognizable as God’s retribution upon that evildoer: He gets what he dished out. That is the boomerang justice of God. Here are a couple of ways it is described in the Bible:

“As you have done, it will be done to you; your deeds will return upon your own head” (Ob. 15).

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The Mercy of God


The Hebrew word Chacad for mercy is used in various forms to designate God’s dealings with man. And also it indicates the mode in which men are to deal with one another, as seen in the story of the Good Samaritan. Lk. 10:37.


Facts about God’s Mercy

1. God’s mercies are from of old. Ps. 25:6

2. God is full of mercy. Jas. 5:11

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For those of you who think God is “dead” or non-existent, I beg to differ. I became a believer when I was just 11, but never really understood the magnificent power and level of mercy of God Almighty until I almost lost my son…

This is my story:

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