You Need Mercy from God

A Message for People who do not know, love or believe in Jesus Christ:

It would be good if people would set their minds on ETERNITY and consider where they will be in 100 years. It may seem odd to some people who have been brainwashed all their lives by humanists, but there is a real LIVING GOD, there is a spiritual world and YOU are going to know what that means for all eternity. So make sure you get on the right side of this LIVING GOD who MAKES ETERNAL LAWS and will JUDGE you – whether the idea of this "offends" you or not. You need to ask for mercy from this God. There is mercy to be found, but as long as you persist in thinking that it is YOU who sets the standard and not Almighty God, you are unlikely to either ask for OR RECEIVE the mercy you so desperately need.


Please take the time to check these things out. There are good reasons to believe in the Bible. There is an offer of grace, mercy and love. There is also a warning of punishment and infinite loss for those who prefer to follow the crowd in doing wrong.

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Michael FackerellHi my name is Michael Fackerell, founder of this site. It is created to help you know Jesus and get a great eternal reward from God Almighty. Learn More

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