Sexual Addiction

Im 36 years old now and have lived all over the world! Born in the United States i joined the US Air Force at 18. At one point i developed a lifestyle that was very foreign to me, i started partying and drinking heavily! Soon after the habit of casual sex came about. Pretty soon it was a weekly event if not almost daily to be with diff women. Then it came almost routine to have group sex ,3 somes, 4somes, and more! Then all the strange dreams started to occur! I was not brought up this way, i grew up with a somewhat strong christian faith an didnt grow up in a non christian house!

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Freedom from pornography and self gratification

Hey fellow christians… I wanna tell you one thing before i start, i dont really know how to write a testimony, but i will tell you my story so far…


I have been a christian my whole life, even though i havent lived too long, I’m 16.

I started as a 12 year old “experimenting and exploring” my body, and used to masturbate alot. And when i got older it had become a habit. And when i was 15 i started to watch a little porn. I did not watch it alot, but maybe once a month or so. I hid it very well for my parents as i wouldnt let them know i watched it.

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With God All Things Are Possible

I spent many years hoping and praying that my husband’s attitude would change.  I was tired of taking the children to church alone.  We strived to live godly lives when it seemed that he didn’t care or even resented us for doing so.  I began to harbor great resentment towards my husband for picking fights, punishing the children without cause and for his long-standing addiction to internet pornography.    

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Freed From Masturbation

A number of years ago I was really struggling with masturbation (a lot more than the average male does).  I wanted to stop as I knew it was not pleasing to God.  I also wanted to stop in order to clear my mind of the unpure thoughts I was having.  However, I just accepted that it was part of a normal guy’s life (or so I thought).  One night when I was at a work dinner I was talking to a work colleague and he mentioned that he had not even French kissed his fiance (or ‘pashed’ for you younger folk).  I said to him, ‘Wow!  That is totally amazing, how do you show

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Amazing Deliverance from Demons of Violence, Hatred and Revenge

I have read information and articles on your site which helped me use my gifts well and helped me find the true God. I firstly have to praise God for having helped you to create your site, and then I have to thank you for listening to Him and writing all the great lessons and sharing testimonies on your site in His name. God bless you in the name of Jesus Christ.

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Out Of Lesbian Compromise

Alison had just committed her life to Christ, but through a series of compromises ended up ensnared in a lesbian relationship. The Lord showed her this was wrong and she found deliverance from the shame of this.

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Youth Delivered from Drugs, Porn, Masturbation, Depression

I’m Isaac Snuffer, 15, and here is the story of how God has changed my life completely.

I was raised in a Christian home, attending a church where God moved greatly as young as 2, and saw God move all the time. During this time I gave my life to Christ, but did not fully understand the power of God nor even who he was. All I knew was the basics of the faith taught in the nursery classes at churches.

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