Reinhard Bonnke’s Views on the Holy Spirit

To me Reinhard Bonnke is one of the greatest evangelists of all time. His crusade meetings and other initiatives have touched hundreds of millions of people. Great miracles from God accompany his clear and forthright presentations of Jesus and the cross of Christ. We can thank God for Reinhard Bonnke and his partners who together have done great things for God.

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The Holy Spirit – Bible Study Outline

The Holy Spirit is the third Person of the Trinity. He is not a power or force  but a Person. In the. O.T. the Holy Spirit was given to particular individuals for special tasks. But in the N.T. every believer is given. Let us study this great Person of Godhead, shall we?

Facts about the  Holy Spirit
1. The Holy Spirit is a Person. Jn. 16:7
2. He is the Omnipresent God.  Ps. 139:7
3. He is the Eternal Spirit. Heb. 9:14
4. He is the Lord. 2 Cor. 3:17

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The Gift of the Holy Spirit – Bible Study

The New Testament uses the word GIFT and GIFTS in relation to the Holy Spirit. The “Gift” of the spirit refers to a specific, experience in the Holy Spirit, where as the “Gifts” refers to the divine abilities given by the Spirit of God!

Facts about the  Gift of the  Holy Spirit
1.    It is for those who have REPENTED. “Repent. . .and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit” Acts 2:38.

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Impossible to Possible – Part 2 – Dare to Win – by Rambabu

When the Holy Spirit comes on you, a damp squib, a WlNh-out, will become a stick of dynamite. The impossible Will become possible.

I Samuel 8:4 tells us that Israel wanted a King:

So all the elders of Israel gathered together and came to Samuel at Ramah. They said to him, “You are old, and your sons do not walk in your ways; now appoint a King to lead us, such as all the other nations have.”

Samuel was displeased, that the people did not recognize the LORD as their King.

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Impossible to Possible – Part 1 – Dare to Win – by Rambabu

Impossible to Possible

The Lord Jesus was about to return to heaven. He knew He was leaving behind an unsaved world, nation upon nation that had not heard the gospel. Hugely different people with many different ways of thinking; a world full of problems and evil. Jesus had to hand over the responsibility of proclaiming the gospel to this world.

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How to Abide in Jesus and Know It

John taught often the power and importance of abiding in Jesus. Here he tells us how we can do this, and how we can be sure that we really are abiding in Jesus. God gives us confirmation that we are through His Spirit.

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Casting Out Demons – Some Lessons from Mark 1:21-28

Jesus is our example. A big part of his ministry was in casting out demons. When the presence of the Lord is manifesting strongly enough, the demons in people start to stir up. Demons often have better knowledge and theology than those who are listening to the message, as we see from this passgae.

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