William Bhasme – Escape from Death

11th July 2006, this day will be indeed remembered as it goes down not only in the history of our Mumbai City but also in the lives of innumerable families that have suffered irrepairable damage & permanent scars it has left behind.

There were 7 Bomb blast that took place on the 11th July 2006 on the “Life Line” of Mumbai viz. the local trains. Hundreds of people were injured and many lost their lives.

I boarded one such train that took off from Churchgate station and arrived at Andheri Station at around 5:53 pm. For my colleague and I, things seemed normal and as usual the train was over-crowded. Just before the train arrived Mira Road Station, I got a place to sit, seeing my senior colleague standing I offered him my seat which he refused saying that he was all right.

While we were casually conversing with each other all of a sudden a loud BLAST took place in the same first class compartment which we had boarded. Within a matter of a split second, all the people who were standing and seated with me in the compartment were thrown all over the place with multiple injuries and mangled lifeless bodies filled the place.

Due to the brute force of the blast, the compartment was ripped open sending down train fixtures such as fans, tube lights/bulb fittings, switch boards, iron rods etc. An electric switch box with dangling wires, fell and rested on me sending down a high voltage electric shock that shook me violently from head to toe – that’s when I cried aloud JESUS, JESUS, JESUS that was my desperate cry for help and HE did, His presence filled the compartment ( Psalms 91: 15 says: He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him.) & (Act 2 : 21 says: And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of JESUS shall be saved.) and that electric box fell off by it self, Hallelujah!

When I opened my eyes and looked around, I saw people fallen all around me, one person was right on my lap his face was disfigured and was bleeding, to my amazement I found out that I was the only person in that compartment who still remained seated as the rest were thrown all over. ( ( Psalm 91: 7 says : A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee.) Some how I managed to pull out my hands and legs from under the people fallen over me and jumped out of the wreckage without a scratch on my body!( (Psalms 91: 11-12 says : For He shall give His angles charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone ).and ( Psalms 34 : 20 tells us : He keepeth all his bones: not one of them is broken.) PRAISE THE LORD!!

The people who managed to crawl out of the compartment tried to speak to each other but due to the loud blast, our eardrums were badly damaged. I walked to a nearby station where some strangers helped me to find a hospital and they started my treatment. The E.N.T Specialist who checked my ears initially said that both my eardrums are ruptured badly and I’ll require corrective surgery. We prayed that night and the next day the doctor said that though both my ear drums are ruptured its amazing that my hearing was still good ! Hallelujah !!!!

Now a month later on 18th August 2006 Doctor checked my ears once again and was amazed at the speedy recovery and gave a report stating – eardrums healed, no surgery required ! Praise be to JESUS. ( (Isaiah 53 : 5 says : JESUS was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed)

That’s why I share this testimony so others would know that JESUS IS ALIVE and He is our only Saviour and our Healer.

In Christ


For God so loved the world (You & Me), that he gave his only begotten Son (JESUS), that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through Him might be saved. John 3 : 16 & 17

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