Why Laugh in the Spirit?

When you hear someone laughing in the spirit, there is more that is happening than meets the eye. Angels are involved. Victories are being won. It could be called a form of prayer.

Laughter in the Spirit is a faith-response by our spirit to God’s victory through Christ over the devil.

Laughter in the Spirit is a participation by the believer in the victory of Him of Whom it is written, “He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh”.

The Bible says that angels ‘ascended’ and ‘descended’ upon the Son of Man. Notice angels ascend before they descend. Angels take something UP to heaven before they come back with blessing. What they take UP is FAITH. What they bring back is signs and wonders of the Holy Ghost. God responds to faith. And angels are involved in the delivery.

Here’s how it works. In response to a believer speaking it in faith, an angel is sent from heaven (to a believer, or to a group of believers in a meeting) to deliver the joy of the Lord. The joy of the Lord may then be RECEIVED, also by faith (and we can either hinder or help the receiving of the joy of the Lord – this applies both personally as well as in a whole meeting: WE can hinder or help the manifestation of the joy of the Lord in a meeting).

Once the joy is received, there is laughter – and laughter is also regarded in heavenly places as a further EXPRESSION OF FAITH. This laughter is akin to a PROFESSION OF FAITH IN CHRIST’S VICTORY. Therefore, in response to these further expressions of faith, even more angels are again dispatched to minister in various ways for those who are heirs of salvation.

This results in strongholds being pulled-down, in oppressions being broken, and in the spirit of heaviness lifting, in believers being strengthened – not only in the life of the individual who is laughing, but also in the lives of others who are in the meeting – and also in the lives and circumstances of others far distant, whether saved or unsaved, even overseas, even without our understanding.

This is why you will very often see laughter soon turning to the person receiving deliverance. Holy laughter comes from and is an expression of such a spirit of faith as inevitably repels the presence of demons.

Sometimes during a meeting several people may respond with laughter to something that is said (said either in a known or unknown tongue, it makes no difference). Whether it was said in a known or unknown tongue, those who are in the Spirit may respond to it by laughing in the spirit, for the Spirit of God knows the mind of God and He it is who is enabling them to share in God’s laugher and sense of victory. Such laugher is an expression of faith – a sharing in Christ’s victory. It is a form of PRAISE as a result of drawing with joy from the wells of salvation.

Therefore such laughter results in the individual himself (and also others in the meeting) becoming relieved of oppression, or it may even result in deliverances breaking-out en masse across the whole meeting. And the effectiveness of such laughter in the Spirit can even transcend the meeting-place and through a myriad of angelic activity bring about change in the lives of people and circumstances who are not present in the meeting, whether saved or unsaved, reaching even overseas, even without our understanding.

When one person in a meeting laughs in the Spirit, often others in the meeting who are also in the Spirit will begin to fellowship together with that person and with each other in the Spirit. There will be mutual expressions and responses of laughter, and mutal expression and responses in unknown tongues or in known tongues – it makes no difference.

This is often accompanied by visions being shared, tongues being interpreted, or prophecies and exhortations being spoken to one another, or spiritual songs being sung, and very often this will further progress to the point where one or two of those who are in the Spirit will begin ministering to the congregation.

Thus a whole lot of things are taking place: joy, healing, inner healing and freedom, revelation, profession, praise, thanksgiving, fellowship in the Spirit, prayer, intercession, petition, tongues, interpretations, prophecies, visions, exhortations, guidance and instruction from the Spirit – and it all started with laughter. Holy laughter is received by faith, it is an expression of faith, and it achieves what faith achieves: it causes God to procure victories on our behalf which He accomplishes by sending angels on our behalf.

Therefore anything that can be said about PRAYER may also be said about laughter in the Spirit – for laughter in the Spirit is a form of prayer, a form of praise, a form of revelation and profession, a form of fellowship in the Spirit, a form of ministry.

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