When God is with you, you do not need to fear!

When the living God is with you, you don’t need to fear!

A message by Michael Fackerell

Would it not be wonderful to live a life free from the torment of fear? So many people live daily with fears that rob them of peace. They feel vulnerable to hostile powers and unforeseen events which come to destroy their world. And we see that indeed many bad things are coming upon so many people. Some fall sick and die, some are financially destroyed while some live in fear of domestic violence. There are many diseases and threats of war and economic trouble in the world today. Many fear failure, others fear the unknown. Some rich men so fear poverty that they work themselves almost to death, neglecting family and friends and even their own health. And still they worry about bankruptcy! Many today also fear the wrath of idol gods, or the power of witchcraft. There are many kinds of fears which trouble people today. Some fear that people will discover their evil deeds which they have been hiding. Many are tormented by the fear of man. And underlying it all, each of us is aware that at some time in the future, whether sooner or later, we will die. Death may be painful or it may be quick. But what lies beyond death’s door? Will it be another incarnation – perhaps paying for all one’s previous wrongs in a horrible life? Or could it be something so severe as eternal judgment from a Holy but offended God? Many do not know, and live in fear.

Too many people today are controlled by negative fear. There was a time in my life when I too suffered fear of various kinds. At times nightmares troubled me. It was as if some evil presence had filled my brain and tormented me with strange and dark imaginations. Later on, I lived with the fear of rejection – I so dreaded the rejection of others. I feared failure, and I feared death. I feared the negative things that might happen if I took a confident stand in life. But today I can truthfully say that I live my life confidently, in peace and with great boldness – because I know that God is with me and everything is working together for my good, even apparent temporary setbacks.

Is there really a solution to the problem of fear? Imagine how wonderful it would be to sleep peacefully each night, and have a life filled with peace, joy and hope rather than the torment of anxiety or the oppression of terror. Do you desire such a state of being? Or do you consider it is out of reach for you. The good news I bring you is this: you can truly have a fear free life. The path to this is through the consciousness of God which you can know through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Many have tried other ways but the personal knowledge of God through Jesus Christ is something that will hold you up even on your death bed. No one on their death bed has ever regretted living for Jesus Christ, or having the Holy Spirit of God as their comforter. But plenty of people have regretted a life of selfish living, or the times they spurned God’s offer of mercy.

The reality is that our first parents chose to ignore their Creator and follow the path of evil. As a result, they and their descendants came under the bondage of fear and death. Evil produces fear and fear attracts evil in a vicious circle. Many evil and lying spirits are in the world today, and they love to torment human souls through fear.

If Almighty God the Creator had totally rejected mankind because of sin there would be no hope for any of us. But thankfully, God has intervened in human history, and does intervene today. God spoke to some Jewish people in times of old, and made a covenant with them. It began with Father Abraham, who left his idol-worshipping family to follow the true God who spoke so clearly to His heart. God protected His people when they trusted Him and finally through them brought His Eternal Son Jesus into the world. You can read about all this in the Bible if you want to, and read the writings of the prophets who we know predicted so many details about Jesus the Messiah who was to come, born of a Virgin. And Jesus did come, sent by God, born of the Virgin Mary. After his baptism the Holy Spirit came upon Him and He began to bring a message and a power of the Kingdom of God, and healing the sick. Through the power of this invisible Kingdom, all men who submit to it can know freedom from fear, eternal and solid forgiveness of sins, healing of their diseases, freedom from all demonic torments and godly success. Through Jesus Christ, people can now escape the domination of evil and become chidren of God. Not only that, but the same power that made Jesus Christ victorious, namely the power of the Holy Spirit, is available and works for all obedient believers in Jesus today.

Sadly, so many believers in Jesus do not take hold of the full provision of freedom and the power of the Holy Spirit that they could have. Yet it is all available to those who diligently seek God and repent of their sins. At the same time, hundreds of thousands of God’s children have experienced this victory, this peace – and there is no reason why you too should not. It will happen if you turn your life truly over to Jesus Christ and learn from Him the secrets of the Kingdom of God.

You see, the worst things that could happen to a man DID happen to Jesus Christ. He was misunderstood, rejected, betrayed and handed over to authorities for an unjust trial. He was sentenced to a cruel torturous death. All the evil of the world, all the horror, all the pain came on Jesus as the powers of darkness did their worst to destroy and mock Him as He hung there naked and bleeding. But He was doing it for you. God’s secret plan was to destroy the power of Satan, the evil prince of this world, by taking all the bad things, all the curses, all the punishment for sin upon Himself through Jesus. This satisfies God’s law of eternal justice as well as showing God’s great love and mercy. Why is that? Because it was all done for you. Yes, Jesus died to take away your sins. He died to take the hell you deserve upon Himself.

I’m glad to say that Jesus could not be defeated, even by death! On the third day He rose again from death, proving that God has the power to give resurrection life to those with whom He is pleased. Did you know that according to the Bible, you too will rise from death one day? The question is: will it be for eternal glory or will it be for eternal punishment? Your response to Jesus Christ in this life will determine the answer to that question.

If you will give your life to Jesus, thank Him for dying for you, believe that He has risen and ask Him to come into your life by His Spirit, something fundamental will change in you. You will be forgiven of your sins as you repent of them before the Lord. You will be given a new heart, a new spirit, a new life. The new life you receive is capable of receiving the blessed Holy Spirit who, by filling you continually, will keep you free from fear forever. It is all available to those who trust and believe, and then seek after God with a determination, as if for a great treasure.

You see, when you experience the presence of God in your life, you feel wonderful, you feel secure, and you are invincible until the time God appoints for you to die because God will protect you. You can command evil spirits of fear and other bad spirits to leave in Jesus’ name and they will go. God gives so much to His children. He is a good Father, and if you come into His family through faith in Jesus, you have entered the most wonderful family that is or ever will be – the family of God.

There is a reason you have read this message. God wants you to experience His love, to know the forgiveness that comes, the deliverance from the fear of judgment and the fear of evil that He alone can give by His Spirit. Do you want to receive that gift from God? It IS a gift, not a reward for performing any kind of rituals – Christian or otherwise. If you believe, you can pray this prayer to God. It will get you started in a new life. After that, find a pastor of a spirit-filled church to help you in your new life in Jesus, to get the maximum results according to all the promises of God. Remember that Almighty God is the only one you should ever fear. And He loves and accepts those who come to Him sorry for their sins and desiring change, trusting Him to work. Here is the prayer you can pray:

Dear God in Heaven,
I come to you because I need your forgiveness. You know the evil in my life. But I now believe that you want to free me, and give me a new life. I invite Jesus Christ into my heart and life to be my Lord and Savior. I believe that Jesus died to pay for all my sins, and rose again. Jesus, I thank you for your love and for the salvation you earned for me. I receive your gift of life. I confess and turn away from all my sins. I ask you to fill me with the Holy Spirit, free me from sin and all fears, and lead me to people in the family of God so that I can be a real follower of you. Thank you. I believe you have worked in my life and I now confess you as my Lord and Savior. Amen.

If you have prayed that prayer and desire further help in being sure that God is now your Father and heaven is your eternal home, or for any other reason, please contact me at [email protected]

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