Were these prophecies given to Todd Bentley true or false?

Peter Wagner:

This commissioning represents a powerful spiritual transaction taking place in the invisible world. With this in mind, I take the apostolic authority that God has given me and I decree to Todd Bentley:
• Your power will increase.
• Your authority will increase.
• Your favor will increase.
• Your influence will increase.
• Your revelation will increase.

I also decree that:
• A new supernatural strength will flow through this ministry.
• A new life force will penetrate this move of God.
• A government will be established to set things in their proper order.
• God will pour out a higher level of discernment to distinguish truth from error.
• New relationships will surface to open gates for the future.

Che Ahn

Recognizing that God has chosen you and appointed you to bear much and lasting fruit in this Lakeland revival, and revival around the world; recognizing that He has called you as an Ephesians 4 evangelist and a revivalist, moving in signs and wonders; knowing that you have walked in a manner worthy of the Lord, pleasing Jesus in every way; bearing fruit in every good work; and growing in the intimacy and knowledge of God, we as your brothers and your friends who have a deep love for you, Shonnah, your whole family, just esteem you.

We are here to support you. We are here to commission you in the Name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit — with special oil from Chuck Pierce. It’s called “revival oil.” Chuck could not make it but he sent this Fed Ex for you (he’s in Africa).

Clarice Fluitt:

“For the word of the Lord would say, ‘Behold a vanguard. Behold the tugboat that is cutting through the ice of religious traditions–the cruel, hard things. The understanding of the mind of man will now bow to the reality of the revelation of the finished work of Calvary. Behold, saith God, you have been equipped with cutting power. You have been equipped to go through those traditions of the mind of man, saith God, and you are pulling the church into the realm of glory. Behind you is a great ship that is laden with healing, deliverance, and prosperity.

This is the word to you, O man of God: Arise, kill and eat. No longer, no longer, no longer will men call unclean what I have called clean

Rick Joyner:

“Todd, your ministry is very appropriately named Fresh Fire. And you have certainly been bringing fresh fire. And even when you were going through the dark night of the soul, I thought you had more fire on you than many. The worst state we can every fall into is lukewarmness and God has sent you as an antidote for that lukewarm spirit.

And the fire has been birthed here; it has been released here. You’ve unstopped a well. You have other wells to unstop in other cities and other places; this is just the beginning. And there is longevity too. There is increase, but there is also longevity coming. There are many wells, but they are oil wells, and they catch on fire when you unstop them

Sharon Stone:

“Todd, the Spirit of God says years from now people will look at this time and they will recognize it as when their God showed up and created within the church a new heart, says the Lord. And I will genesis in the midst of the chaos in the world today and I will not just bring a mending, but I will bring forth that which is new, that which is dedicated, that which is decided, that which is pure.

Richard Madden:

“For the Lord would say unto thee that this day you have loosed upon this earth what I have wanted for centuries to come forth — a kingly anointing which will bring in money, money, money. Because the businessmen will rise up and they will go forth under this anointing, and no more will they stay hidden in the shadows. They shall go forth into the political world, into the business world, into the military world and great changes shall take place, saith the Lord, because this night is the night when you started out speaking your first words about the kingdom of God.”

Wesley Campbell: ”

Todd, as a fellow Canadian, there is the word HONOR written over you tonight because of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. You have honored the generations that have gone before you. As a son, you have reached out to the fathers and you have said, ‘Bless me.’

And you have blessed us tonight and so we honor you. You’ve honored the word of God, you’ve honored the Spirit of God, you’ve honored the moving the Holy Spirit, and the ways of God. So, tonight, we just affirm that the rest of honor that is upon your life will follow you now in every nation that you go. And you will draw men and women to you that seek honor and want to walk together and want to be what God wants them to be in this generation.

Todd Bentley, the word HONOR rests upon your life.”

Others who prophecied over Todd

Stacey Campbell

Joshua Fowler

Jeff Beacham

Paco Garcia

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