Could anybody please explain what is that sign really mean!!
Back in summer 2005, I was holiday in Croatia spend all day at the beach and when I returned to deceased’s grandparent home, I realized I had really bad sunburn with all painful big blisters on my back so I went to bed early at about 9pm to get some big rest.
While I was sleeping, at about 1am there was bright light poke through my eye lids and then I open both eyelids and found Bright White Halo light last about few seconds before vanished. I thought that was something wrong with eyes.
I slept again and 30 min later that same white bright halo light disturbed my eye lids again. When I open both eye to find out what is it. I saw a young dress women standing in the tunnel last about 10 – 15 seconds. When I smile at her and then smile back to me before the tunnel vision fade away.
All of sudden I jump out of bed to investigate and switch the light on. I did not find anything in the room, hallway and out to the window.
This could be my grand mother pay a visited to me. Can anyone please explain.