Valerie’s Testimony of Deliverance and healing! And a thank you to my LORD and to those who were there for me!

Warm Greetings in our Precious LORD JESUS CHRIST,

I wanted to share an updated testimony of what the LORD has been doing in my life since the

last time I wrote to you. I want to thank Pastor Wright and others for their willingness to share such wonderful truths. Your ministry’s teachings were a great part of healing and release from

the bondage of opiates and antidepressants for about 15 years. Below is the original email I sent with the response I received back from your blessed ministry. The LORD has brought this ministry to HIS children to show us the truth and how the truth shall set us free. I am praising HIM everyday! My life has taken a complete 360 degree turn from pain and emotional bondage. What an awesome LORD we serve. I tell everyone about your ministry and what GOD is doing for all of HIS children through it. I have listened to everything you have on many times and I am now listening to your archives of your Q&A Videos. I have 4 of your books. I have read them and shared them with others. My heart’s prayer is that I can learn all I can from these truths so I can be a blessing to others and see others set free.

My prayer life and relationship with JESUS has blossomed so much that I wake up every morning with this verse on my lips. “This is the day the LORD has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it.” What a way to start our day with these words on our hearts and lips. I can only glory in HIM through everything that HE has done in my heart spirit & soul and body.

I can actually look back on my life and see exactly what the enemy did to try and destroy me. I have been a believer since 1988. The first 5 or 6 years I was on fire for the LORD, but then something happened to me that changed my life and put me into bondage to Satan and his kingdom. I truly always wanted to be more Christ like and grow in the life that Christ had for me. I believe we have a cruel unseen enemy that many Christians are ignorant of his wicked devices.

I have had 17 surgeries in my lifetime and I believe that as I look back on my life that the enemy was trying to kill me. Unfortunately, My mother died at the age of 54 with cancer and a bitterness in her soul that kept her in bondage all her life. She did receive the gift of salvation finally a couple of months before she died. I had the blessed privilege of sharing the truth of GOD’S love with her. I had a sister and brother who were snatched out of this world by death at a very young age. My sister committed suicide and I had a brother who died of AIDs both at the age of 30. I have a younger sister who has many physical and spiritual issues that she deals with on a daily basis. I have been sharing your truths with my sister and she is getting free. She is finally seeing the truth of GOD’s Word just as I have been seeing so much in the last 2 years. I can see the generational issues being passed down from one generation to the other. Oh, LORD GOD , please have mercy on all of us. We need YOU so much.

As of January 11, 2010 I had the intrathecal pump removed from my body. I have had this pump with first morphine and buphivicane for 3 years and then when they removed this pump, they replaced it with a pump that was computerized. They were able to control the pain medicine from outside with a small handheld pc. They changed the Morphine to Delaudid another opiate but this was stronger than morphine. I am completely free from all opiates and antidepressant drugs. The LORD brought amazing circumstances in my life to bring me to the point that I trusted completely in HIM.

I was isolated for many years from the outside world staying in my room mostly to myself. I had such a self-rejection issue that whenever I would say or do anything wrong it would tear me up inside. I would be so down on myself that now I can see exactly what the enemy was doing. Satan hates us, especially if we are HIS children. I started learning from GOD”S Word about deliverance and healing and really started to get great revelations from GOD in HIS Word concerning this very important ministry that has been so neglected throughout history mostly because of unbelief and ignorance. I have always believed in spiritual warfare, but really didn’t know how to practice it in my own life. I had a lot of bitterness and unforgiveness in my heart. In my head I forgave, but it really wasn’t from my heart. The power of forgiveness is what we all need to be free from the tormentors.

I can actually say I love myself now. I repented of this self hatred and gave it to the LORD and HIS presence has been with me ever since constantly reminding me of HIS love for me.

I am praising GOD for giving me the grace and mercy to show me what real love and forgiveness is.

I have to thank the LORD for two very special ministry’s He brought into my life. One of them is a deliverance ministry that is out of East Aurora, NY, Agape Bible Church. When the LORD brought them into my life I lived in Copperas Cove, TX and they came to our little home church and shared many great truths of deliverance and taught us how we can be free. My son was the pastor of this little home church at the time. The love of Christ was manifested through this ministry in a very real way to me. I was getting freedom from that wicked kingdom the very first day. Thank you LORD JESUS for your wisdom, grace, mercy and deliverance. The second ministry GOD has used in my deliverance and healing is Be in Health, Pleasant Valley Church, and I want to thank JESUS and all of you involved in the research and hard work you are doing to bring much needed truths to the body of CHRIST. Deliverance and healing is definitely an ongoing journey for each believer in CHRIST.

As I write this testimony to you I am crying with tears of joy of how much my faith has grown since I have been learning about what GOD’S plan is for mankind. It isn’t only salvation, but healing and deliverance is a very vital part of GOD’s ministry to restore us unto HIMSELF and give us ABUNDANT LIFE. I pray for you Pastor and Donna and all at your ministry that GOD will continue to keep you all humble in HIS service to the body of CHRIST and give you wisdom to continue to bring healing and deliverance to all of HIS children everywhere. I bind up all unbelief in the body of CHRIST. I ask the LORD to lose the scales that Satan and his kingdom have placed over the eyes and hearts of all believers everywhere.

I don’t know what GOD’s plan is for my life, but I do know HE has me sharing this good news of HIS love with everyone about what HE can do in person’s life, if we will just repent and trust HIM.

I am still praying and trusting HIM to restore my broken marriage. I have been separated from my husband for 7 and half years. He is living in bondage to the enemy and sees what GOD has been doing in my life and heart. I am a different person inside and out. Thank you so much JESUS I am truly being set free. I want so much to learn all I can about this ministry. The LORD seems to just keep showing me so much in HIS WORD about what HE wants to do through this ministry. I would love to be a part of the research team. I have never been to any of your programs because I don’t have the financial means to do so. I pray the LORD will open the doors for me to be able to get more of your materials so I can share with many other brothers and sisters in CHRIST everywhere. I pray HE will make it possible for me to do the online workshops. My heart is with you all in what GOD is doing in and through you all. Keep trusting HIM and serving HIM in spirit and truth. I love you all in the LORD and pray I will hear from you soon. My life is an open book for the glory of the LORD so others may see what GOD can do in a person’s life if we will just surrender to HIS will for our lives. THANK YOU, JESUS! Give praises unto our KING!

Thank you Pleasant Valley for reaching out to this hurting and dying world with the love and truth of GOD’s Word!

I have also been set free from a controlling spirit which I believe brings much physical and emotional and spiritual destruction. I have peace in my soul now. GOD wants us to all have this peace and I just want to shout it on the rooftops. My life’s verse, Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge HIM and HE shall direct thy paths.” This verse is a living testimony of my life being changed and my paths being directed by the LORD who loves me so much. Praises to your holy name LORD JESUS!

In His Gratitude and Thanksgiving for you all,

Valerie LeClair

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