Val Pitmann

Val Pittman had bitter childhood … her father started abusing her and her older sister sexually. Satan started setting up hold in her life and she had to look at dirty books at the age of five. When she turned to Christ she got healing and is now leading a wonderful life.

I was put in a foster home when I was three and lived in different homes until my biological father came and got my sister and I out. That is when the trouble really began. My father was a good man but it was not long before he started abusing me and my older sister sexually.

At the age of five I was hooked on pornography really bad. I had to look at dirty books, no one told me it was wrong I knew it was. The enemy already was setting up strongholds in my life. My dad never took me and my sister to church. I felt rejected because my mom did not want me and I grew up insecure.

I gave my life to Christ when I was 11 years old. My aunt had custody of me and my sister and it was mandatory that we go to church. I hated it at first and really never paid attention but there were kids there and I got interested.

I became a pregnant when I was 15 and experienced rejection and soon tried to committ suicide while 5 months pregnant. I was saved but did not know who I was in Christ. I remember voices telling me to kill myself and my son. I tried to kill my son. I also remember wanting to get help, I began to sink deep into depression and my will was no longer mine. Now I look back and see how God intervened. The Lord began to send people from no where asking me if I wanted to go to church. I refused.

After I was in the hospital for crazy people I fell on the floor and asked God to help me , I cried out to God I was desperate and I felt His presence. I was 16 back then. I am 32 now. I never thought I would be where I am now. I know that Satan is real, he tried to destroy me before I knew who I was in Christ but God had mercy on me. When God calls you nothing can hinder those plans. I remember God speaking to me when I was a small girl and telling me he was with me, I was not even saved then?

God has a purpose for your life and we must walk by faith and hold fast to Him. Spiritual Warfare is real and prayer is very powerful. I went to a church when I was 19 and they taught us how to pray, fast and worship God. I thought they were crazy but I kept coming and the Lord opened my understanding and I began to pray and seek the Living God with these people. This changed my life forever. I learned how to speak the word of God over my situations and who I was in Christ. Thank-you Jesus I am a overcomer.

My father is very ill. I forgave him for what he did to me and my sister and God set me free. My sister has not forgiven him and her life is very bitter and lonely. I pray for her often. I have a relationship with my real mother. God healed both of us and I love my mother and father both. My son is 15 now and he is wonderful.

God can change your life, please trust Him. If you don’t Know Him stop now and ask Him to come into Your heart and He will!!! Be ready for the ride of your life. Amen.

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