Unsaved Husband


I’m not so good with my English, but I will try my best to tell my story.
My name is Anette I am a 38 year’s old, Christian lady, from Norway.
I’m married to Tom and we’ve got 3 children: one girl and two boys. My husband is
not a Christian, and sometimes it can be really hard, you know. But I praise
the Lord! I now His promise is that my whole house shall be saved.

What I want to tell you about happened some years ago when my husband and I
where on a holiday in Sweden. We had been traveling around with our campervan
with our two boys – a 7 year old and a 4 week baby – for about two weeks when it happened.

I had felt really bad inside the last days, longing to have some Christian
friends to speak with. I felt like I have not succeeded in my life as a Christian
and that I had done things I should’t have done. I felt and I was wondering if the
Lord would forgive me for my sin. I had ask Him to forgive, and I knew inside my heart
that He had done so, but this feeling wouldnt leave me.

In this peculiar day that I want to tell you about, we were going to a big amusement park. We parked the car and then it happened. When I went out of the car I heard my spirit praying: “O, God I pray that you send a person to me, filled with your Holy Spirit. I was surprised! But I didn’t think anymore about this prayer, and I and my family went into the park. Tom took our oldest son and went to have some fun in the park, and I took our little baby Andreas and went looking for a place where I could sit down.

After a while I felt thirsty and went to buy a coke. There, in the queue, I saw a young boy with a necklace whit a cross on. I started thinking that: He is a Christian! And then I saw him speaking with what I was thinking was his mum and dad. What I didn’t now at that point, was that the Lord was pointing out these people to me. He wanted to use them to show His love and care that He had for me.

I bought a coke and went back to where I was sitting. I suddenly realized that
the boy with the cross and his family were sitting behind me. After a while
it looked like they were going, and in my spirit I heard myself saying:’oh, no,
they are leaving!’. I didn’t know why I said that and felt so sad that they
were leaving. But the Lord did! He knew that I needed to speak with somebody.
Jesus heard the prayer I had prayed earlier that day, and He wanted
to reach out His loving arms through these people. He had seen my longing heart.

Suddenly the mother in that family came back and set down beside me. She
asked if she could take a look at my baby. Yes, I said. And then she told me she
had eight children. Then I said to her:’Tell me: are you a christian?’
‘Yes, she said. When I was about to leave the park the Lord told me that I
should go back to you and speak with you’

In that moment I felt the love of God and started to cry. She told me
about her family and her life and I felt how the words were touching my
heart and every burden fell of as she was speaking. I’m so greatful
to the Lord that He sent me help when I needed it and in an amusement park!!!

God is not religious! He loves you and me so much and is always looking for a way
to bless His child. He will give us more than we can imagine to pray about!
God is Love! He wants to satisfy our needs with His glory! Just call upon

Glory to God!

Your sister in Christ,


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