Unity and Love – Personal Revival Manual Chapter 30


From “Catch the Glorious Fire” by Ps Paul Quadros – chapter 30

but not the least it is unity in the body of Christ that is required
for the great and final outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and for a
mighty revival. In Acts 2:1, the disciples were gathered in one
accord in the same place. The bible says, they continued with one
accord in prayer and supplication (Acts 1:14). Hence it becomes
evident, that whenever there is unity, there is revival. God has sent
His revivals time and again, but some of them died down or could not
have a lasting impact—or a world impact— because of the lack of
unity in the body of Christ. One thing that we cannot afford to
neglect in these last days is unity. As this unity increases, the
anointing and the power over our lives will also increase and in turn
this will help the church to sustain (hold) the revival.


outpouring in Acts 2:1 began with unity. So also, this end time
revival will reach a climax only by unity. Jesus prayed in John 17
for this kind of unity, knowing the Father is capable to give it to
us. Hence we must pray and cooperate with Him, as this does not
happen automatically. As it is written, “May the God who gives
endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind
towards each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and
one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus
(Rom 15:5-6). We are also instructed to be united.
(1Cor1:10, Phil 4:2) Hence unity has two sides to it—God and we.
The bible also says, “We should make every effort to keep the
unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace”
(Eph 4:3). To
increase this unity we must be selfless, and also be united with each
other along with their respective ministries going forward with a
common vision. When God sees our Christ-like attitude, he will pour
out His fire, and this fire will remain because it is based on
selflessness and a Christ-like character.


this unity increases, the whole world will know Him, and us (as His
disciples). As Jesus said, “By this all will know that you are
my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
(John13: 35).


we too increase in our love and unity with each other, signs and
wonders will be common just like in the days of the early church. And
then we can be assured that we will see a great end-time revival like
never before. Glory be to God!



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