United Prayer and Fasting Calendar

This calendar was already distributed in Romanian and used by 15,000 Christians, but you have our permission to adapt it and use it for your own country or city.

“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”
(2 Chronicles 7:14)

Notes for the Use of this Calendar – the Strategy

“Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that
if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if
we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have
the petitions that we have asked of Him.” (1 John 5:14,15)

“… I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers,
intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men….For
it is good … in the sight of God… who desires all men to be
saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.” (1 Tim.

“But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving
yourselves.” (James 1:22)

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find;
knock, and it will be open to you. For everyone who asks receives.”
(Matthew 7:7)

*DAY 1: Pray for the stirring up of strong desire in the
hearts of Christians in Romania to seek God dili-gently (with
prayer, fasting and the Word). Pray that God might raise up many
prayer warriors. Pray that the Holy Spirit will inspire and motivate
all Christians in Romania in their praying (Psalm 42:1-2a; Psalm
51:10; Hebrews 11:6; Romans 8:26, 27).

Practical Assignment: Encourage one Christian you know
to seek God with all his heart in prayer. Invite him or her to
get involved in this plan of prayer and fasting.

*DAY 2: Pray for right relationships of love between all
Christians in Romania – for forgiveness, healing and restoration
in relationships between brothers (Colossians 3:13).

Practical Assignment: Who are the Christians (or the non-Christians)
who stir up painful memories and negative thoughts in you ? Forgive
them, bless them, pray for them and seek reconcilia-tion with
them as much as it depends on you.

*DAY 3: Pray for revival in the Roma-nian Orthodox Church
and for the des-truction of the demonic strongholds created in
the minds of Romanians by the Orthodox Church through some of
the false teachings and practices of that church (2 Cor. 10:4,5;
Mark 7:13)

Practical Assignment: Pray and ask God to show you if there
is any dead religious tradition in your own life, and renounce

*DAY 4: Pray for revival in Romania. Pray for both Christians
and non-Chris-tians to be set free from any kind of spiritual
blindness. Also, pray for unbelievers to open up their hearts
to God, to hunger and thirst for Him and to turn to Him

(2 Cor. 4:3,4; Daniel 9:5,7,19).

Practical Assignment: Confess your personal sins and the
sins of Romania (idolatry, lying, cheating,slander, religiosity,
etc.). Write down a list of the things which are not according
to the will of God in your own life, or even doubtful things that
may be hindering your relationship with God. Decide what steps
you will take to put these things right. Praise God for at least
one of the things you can see about Him in the Word.

*DAY 5: Pray for wisdom, knowledge and salvation for the
President of Romania – Emil Constantinescu, the Prime Minister,
those in the Government and in any other State institution. Ask
that God will direct their hearts and minds towards the decisions,
which He desires. Also, ask that He will reveal His plan of healing
for and development of the Romanian economy and plead for a general
improvement in the economic situation (1 Tim. 2:1-4; Prov.21:1).

Practical Assignment: Pray for the laws of the Romania
and their application to favor the spread of the gospel and the
stability of God’s church.

*DAY 6: Pray for the spreading and bold proclamation of
the Gospel in the power of the Holy Spirit to take place in Romania.
Pray that every Christian will confess Christ today and every
day, whenever there is an opportunity

(Mark 16:15; 2 Thessalonians 3:1; Proverbs 24:11,12).

Practical Assignment: Make a decision to share and explain
the gospel with someone today and invite that person to
receive Christ.

*DAY 7: Pray for forgiveness, healing and restoration between
pastors and Christian leaders in Romania; for unity and collaboration
between them (Hebrews 12:14, 15; John 17:21).

Practical Assignment: Pray these things specifically for
the pastors and Christian leaders in your city or community.

*DAY 8: Pray for unity and co-operation between pastors
in Romania and the members of the churches they are leading. Also,
pray for collaboration and unity between the members of different
churches, where God has called them to work together on something
(Heb. 13:17; 1 Tim.5:17).

Practical Assignment: Show your love and appreciation today
to your pastor or towards one of the leaders in the church in
which you are a part.

*DAY 9: Pray for the existing church planters and evangelists
in Romania. Pray that God will raise up more of them. Pray that
the Word might be preached faithfully in the power of the Holy
Spirit by all those who preach the gospel, and that the Truth
will make people free (Hebrews 13:7).

Practical Assignment: Pray specifically for the evangelists
and church planters in your city or community and that other new
ones will be raised up.

*DAY 10: Pray for revival in every church in Romania, but
also for revival in the whole Body of Christ worldwide (Psalm

Practical Assignment: Think of ways in which you can be
an example of a God-fearing Christian and put it into practice.

*DAY 11: Pray for revival and change in Romania
– in the capital – Bucharest – and in every town and village.
Pray for the lost in these places that the Holy Spirit will bring
them to the knowledge of the truth and to salvation. Pray for
the Orthodox priests in Romania to seek the truth, and to line
up with the Word and to encourage the members of their parish
to do the same. (Acts 6:7; Isaiah 62:6-7).

Practical Assignment: Pray that God will close bars, pubs,
discos and other places where sin is dominating in these places
in Romania. Pray for those in your city or community that
you have on your heart, that they turn to God.

*DAY 12: Pray for the missionaries in Romania to quickly
learn the language and culture of Romania and to be as effective
as possible in the work of the Lord. Also, pray that God will
send new missionaries that He has called. Pray that God will send
out Romanian missionaries both to other areas of Romania or to
other countries and peoples. Pray for a missionary movement in
Romania and for the material and financial support that these
missionaries need. (Matthew 28:18-20).

Practical Assignment: Pray specfically for missionaries
that you know and for all their needs known to you.

*DAY 13: Pray for the Muslim world in general and especially
for Muslims living within Romania that they may know the truth
and give their lives to Jesus (1 Timothy 2:1; Psalm 67).

Practical Assignment: If you know a Muslim, pray specifically
for him or her. If not, ask God to lead you to pray for a specific
Muslim-dominated country.

*DAY 14: Pray for all Christians in Romania to receive
the revelation of paying tithes and giving offerings to God. Pray
that Christians be taught and encouraged to pay their tithes to
the Lord and to give their offerings to Him (Hebrews 7:8; Matthew
23:23; Malachi 3:10-12).

Practical Assignment: From your monthly income, put 10%
apart in order to pay your tithe to the Lord in your local church.
Above and beyond that, according to your ability, consider how
much you would like to invest in the work of the Lord.

*DAY 15: Pray for churches and Christians in Romania to
prosper so that new facilities for church meetings and Christian
education can be constructed. Pray for the development of more
new Christian firms which can employ faithful Christians. Pray
that this prosperity can come without them getting their eyes
off Christ. Pray that churches in Romania become self-supporting
and will also be able to send and support missionaries

(3 John 2).

Practical Assignment: Pray for Christians in Romania to
have good well-paid jobs. Pray for the business people in Romania
to turn to Christ and get involved in the local church.

*DAY 16: Pray that pastors and spiritual leaders in Romania
will have an on-fire relationship with God and that they will
be full of zeal for God

(James 5:16; Ephesians 5:18).

Practical Assignment: Pray these things for your pastor
and for the leaders in your local church.

*DAY 17: Pray for pastors and spiritual leaders in Romania
to be focused on God, on His Word, and on the vision which He
has given them

(1 Timothy 4:14-16; Proverbs 29:18).

Practical Assignment: Pray these things for the pastor
and leaders from your local church.

*DAY 18: Pray for the economy of the country to be healed,
developed and improved. Pray for the revival of Romania (2 Chronicles

Practical Assignment: Praise God for who He is and for
what He has alrea-dy done in response to your prayers both individually
and corporately.

*DAY 19: Pray for the families of pastors in Romania, spiritual
leaders and Christians in general – that they might be full of
love, under the protection of God, and blessed by Him. Pray that
there might be regular prayer, fellowship and sharing of the Word
in every family

(1 Timothy 3:1-13).

Practical Assignment: Think of something you can do today
to show love towards your own family.

*DAY 20: Pray for the health and strength of pastors, other
spiritual leaders and of all Christians in Romania, and for their
deliverance from the evil one and from other problems. Pray for
their spiritual, emotional, mental and physical protection – for
them and their families.

(3 John 2; Mt. 6:13; 2 Thes 3:1,2).

Practical Assignment: Pray for your pastor and the leaders
of your church and for every member of your family to be delivered
from any influence of the evil one, and to be protected spiritually
and in every way.

*DAY 21: Pray that all Christians in Romania become desirous
of getting involved in the Lord’s work somehow and to be doers
of the Word, not merely hearers. Pray also for the training and
education of all Christians in being active in the work of the
Lord (both within the local church and outside it). Pray for spiritual
leaders to encourage and to equip their members to do the work
of the ministry God has called them to

(1 Corithians 15:58; Ephesians 4:12).

Practical Assignment: Ask God to show you the vision and
calling which He has for your life. Ask Him to show you
which gifts He has given you and how He wants you to get involved
in serving within the local church. Share your thoughts
on this and discuss it with your pastor or the responsible leader
within the church.

*DAY 22: Pray for Bible schools, and other schools and
institutions for Christian education in Romania, for Christian
television, radio, books, magazines, cassette tapes and any other
form of Christian mass-media to all be blessed, developed and
protected according to God’s will. Pray for more of these things
to appear (2 Thessalonians 3:1).

Practical Assignment: Pray for and thank God for every
Christian education institution or Christian mass-media ministry
which has been a blessing to you.

*DAY 23: Pray for the exposing and rooting out of corruption
from every segment of Romanian society

(Matthew 10:16; 1 Timothy 2:2).

Practical Assignment: If you personally know someone involved
in corruption, pray for them that God will move on them to turn
from their evil ways and turn to the Lord.

*DAY 24: Pray for those involved in the judicial system,
the police, the army and other officials in Romania to hate bribery,
to be diligent, honest, fair and to be ready to truly serve the
people. Also, pray for the simplification of bureaucracy and administrative
procedures, and for general improvement in the economy. Pray for
the deliverance of the people from every remaining influence of
communism and the mentality communism has created. Pray also
for the removal of any kind of communist style leader-ship or
administration remaining in the country. Pray for the healing
of the Romanian people of every wound or negative effect which
Communism created (Prov. 29:2; Ephesians 5:16).

Practical Assignment: Pray that administrative procedures
will be sim-plified and run smoothly in Romania. Pray specifically
for the mayor of your city or community, and for the legal and
judiciary system, the police, the army and other officials in
your city according to these points for the day.

*DAY 25: Pray for revival in Romania and for the deliverance
of all the people in Romania from the oppression and despair which
has been on them until now. Pray for the people to be set free
from every inherited curse, and from the influence of spirits
of idolatry, religiosity, lying, slander and cheating – and for
the destruction of these strongholds (Colossians 3:8,9).

Practical Assignment: Ask God to show you if in your life
there is still one of the things mentioned above. If so, repent
and ask God to keep you in holiness.

*DAY 26: Pray for improvement in the medical system in
Romania on every front, and that the sick will come to know the
Lord and find healing through Him. Pray for the general health
of the population to be improved

(3 John 2; James 5:14; Heb. 13:8).

Practical Assignment: Pray for those you know who work
in the medical field, and also for those you know who are suffering
with any kind of illness.

*DAY 27: Pray for the whole school system in Romania to
glorify God and to prepare the children very well for life. Also,
pray for the protection and delive-rance of the pupils/students
from the influence of drugs, alcohol, tobacco, prostitution and
other worldly things. Pray for honesty in the examination process
both from students and teachers

(1 Timothy 4:12).

Practical Assignment: Pray for these things concerning
your children or your teachers and for the schools in your area.
Pray for any Christian teachers you know.

*DAY 28: Pray for the strengthening of the family in Romania,
for the decline and banning of public exposure of pornography,
for abortions to be stopped, for a decline in the number of divorces
and of the number of those involved in sexual sins (Proverbs 14:34).

Practical Assignment: Pray that God will cleanse you of
every unclean influence and will show you how to improve your
family relationships. Pray for someone you may know who is involved
in such sins to repent.

*DAY 29: Pray for neighbouring countries, for the binding
of the spirit of antichrist and for peace between ethnic groups
in Romania.

(Romans 12:17,18).

Practical Assignment: Pray for external relations with
neighbouring countries. Also, pray for forgiveness, peace and
reconciliation in relation-ships between ethnic Romanians and
Gypsies, Hungarians, Arabs, Germans, Serbians and any other ethnic
minority which may exist in Romania.

*DAY 30: Pray for poor Christians, for orphans, street
children, widows, old people, refugees, invalids and those in
any kind of suffering in Romania- that they will turn to God and
that He will comfort them and take care of them spiritually, emotionally,
physically and from every point of view. Pray for Christian workers
to minister to them (James 1:27).

Practical Assignment: Pray for someone you know that may
fall into one of the above categories mentioned above. Go and
show them love through sharing the Good News, comforting them
and helping them today and as God leads.

*DAY 31: Pray for those condemned and incarcerated in Romania
that God will bring them out of darkness into light, that they
repent, give their lives to Jesus; that God may comfort them,
give them forgiveness and love, the opportunity to see their families
and to take care of their needs. Pray also for those persecuted
for Christ by their families, their acquaintances or authorities.
Pray that they might forgive, pray for and show love to their
persecutors. Pray that God may comfort them and deliver them from
persecution (Hebrews 13:3).

Practical Assignment: If you know someone persecuted for
Christ – be it by their family, friends, acquaintances or the
authorities – pray for that person. If not, thank God for this
time of freedom and grace and ask Him to help you to use it effectively
for the spreading of the Gospel.

Thank God for answers to all the prayers of this past month
and be expectant to see with your own eyes the results – so that
you can tell your brothers and sisters in Christ, as well as non-Christians.


If every day many Christians in Romania and abroad will fast,
God will hear our cry for revival! For this reason, we encourage
all Christians in Romania or abroad to fast together in the first
Sunday of every month, and at other times as the Lord leads.

Although the prayer objectives are written only for 31 days,
the suggested duration for the calendar’s use is at least one

Keep praying each month according to this Calendar, and trust
that God will revive and awaken Romania! Pray that God will pour
out by His Spirit a spirit of prayer for the following month upon
all Christians in the country, knowing that together with you
many Christians both in Romania and abroad are praying according
to this Calendar.

In the month of February, on the 26th use point 27 as well,
on the 27th use points 28 and 29 and on the 28th use points 30
and 31. For the months with 30 days, unite points 30 and 31 on
the 30th of the month.

You may copy and distribute this Calendar as much as you would
like and you see the need.

We recommend that you read the books of Derek Prince on praying
and fasting for revival.

It would be encouraging if the leaders of the churches who plan
to use this calendar will inform us.

Also, we encourage all who receive noteworthy answers to prayer
in relation to the points on this Calendar to communicate these
with us in a concise form, so that the saints can be encouraged.

All Correspondence or Enquiries: Michael & Marilena Fackerell 

marilenafackerell @ gmail.com

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