Two Testimonies of Healing through Fasting and Prayer

For about four years I suffered
from severe pain in various parts of
my body. Gradually the pain became
so intense that I could not go out
either by bus or taxi. Therefore, I
always stayed at home and was mis-

I went to the hospital for an examination, and when the results came in I was told that
I had inflammation of the joints as well as stomach and
liver trouble. I continued the medical treatment
because of the urging of my family, but it had little
effect on my condition.

Finally, I entered the largest hospital in the city of
Mokpo, a city in the southern part of Korea, but the
doctors were unable to do anything to help me. I
became steadily worse. At last I decided to go to Seoul
to a large hospital, thinking perhaps I could find help
there. In June, 1973, I entered the Red Cross Hospital
where the results were the same. I continued to grow
worse. I was so discouraged that I left the hospital and
went home.

After arriving home, I was in deep depression and
wanted to be alone. I did not want to see either my
family or neighbors. I had taken all types of good
medicine and had been to the best hospitals, but still
my condition grew worse.

In February, 1975, I heard about the Full Gospel
Prayer Mountain and how that all types of diseases are
healed there for those who fast and pray. When I heard
this I was filled with joy, for there was hope after all.
I did not wait, but with my Bible and hymnbook I
went to the prayer mountain where I began to fast and
pray for ten days. As I continued fasting eight more
days, God reached down and healed me.

I was so thankful for the mercy of Christ I continued
to fast. Then I was filled with the Holy Spirit. How I
thank Him for His grace. I literally jump with joy and
walk with pleasure. Praise His Wonderful Name!

-Dug Jun Oh
Palagili, Imgamyan

Singgun, Jeonnam

Healed of Severe Disease in the Mouth

About 28 years ago, sores
developed inside my mouth. At first I
did not pay much attention to them
as I thought the sores would pass,
but still they persisted and steadily
became worse.

After some time, I entered the
hospital for examination and treat-
ment. Even with the treatment my mouth was not healed. Every time I ate any food, the pain in my mouth
was excruciating. I felt so sorry for those of my family
who constantly had to care for me that I wanted to die.
I began to wander from hospital to hospital seeking
some way to cure this dreadful disease.

Many skills of medicine were tried, but no one could
cure my disease. During my wandering from hospital
to hospital, I spent all my money and had to sell all my
property to pay the medical expenses. I gave up all
hope of living and hated myself and this disease that
was destroying my life. Weeping and writhing in agony
and pain, I waited for death to relieve me of this misery. During this time, many of my Christian friends advised me to come to church and trust in Christ, but I
doubted the power of God. How could a God that I
could not see heal me of a sickness that all medical
science had no cure for?

Finally, after much persuasion, because I knew. I was
dying I ventured out to the prayer mountain. As I
stayed there, my doubts began to fade. I listened to
many testimonies from different ones of how God
healed them of all types of diseases. The desire to seek
God with fasting and prayer became so intense that I
could not resist any longer and decided to fast for nine

As I began to fast, I confessed all my sins of the past.
I came unprepared to meet the Lord but He loved me,
called me, and met me as I prayed. On the third day the
unhealthy flesh inside my mouth began to fall off, and
the pain began to disappear. All the sores were com-
pletely healed as I fasted and prayed.

Although I did not know before that God was living,
I met Him personally and experienced His power in my
life. I came to the prayer mountain with unbelief, but
the testimonies of those around me generated faith
within me. As I fasted and prayed, God completely
healed me. I know that Jesus is the Physician that is
above every physician. I give all glory and praise to

-Myung Hee Byan
Seomyan, Sihung
Kyangido, Korea

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