Trusting God for a mate

I would like to share my testimony with all of you. On the 2nd of July 2000 my fiancee broke up with me for almost no reason at all. For the first time in my life I experienced such hurt and pain that I went to sit in the corner of my room and I cried. Right then I decided that come the next morning I am going to go to the Minister and set things right with God.

I went to the Minister and he lead me to salvation. I felt and experienced God’s peace and love immediately. But when I left the counseling room of the Minister, I was extremely hungry for God’s Word. The funny thing was that I was raised in a Christian home and I went to church but never did I feel the urge to read the Bible so intensely.

God was really working with me and He was healing me step by step. I have never been so close to the Holy Spirit and He revealed to me that I should be baptized. I will never forget the day that I got baptized for there in the water one lays down the old life, and you stand up new in our Lord Jesus Christ.

Now in the mean while I was praying fervently that the Lord would restore our relationship and unite my ex-fiancee and I again. I was praying with all my might, and did everything I could – I tithed, I sowed, I drew up a covenant with the Lord, I did everything ! Then one day in total desperation I cried out to God when my day for my miracle would come, and in an audible voice God said: ” Before the 27th”. Now I was believing that it would be before the 27th of August, but when the 27th came nothing had happened. I was so disappointed.

I went back to God and asked Him what was going on for God is not a man that He should lie ( Numbers 23:19 ). He revealed it to me that it was the 27th week of the year, so once again what I thought was that it would be before the 27th week of 2001. I was wrong again – God had already made a way.

My ex-fiancee was not the wife that God had intended me to marry, and I had to be healed first before I would be able to accept the fact that she was not the one for me. God miraculously brought together the wife that he intended for me, and she is everything I asked for ! Glory to God.

God has really blessed me with the right wife, for she too loves God more than anything. We are getting married on the 15th of September 2001 and we have both been called to do missionary work. We can’t wait to work full time for the Lord, the Living God, who hears and answers our prayers ! All Glory, Praise, and Honor be to God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

I would like to urge everyone who is single, and alone, and especially the younger generation to start praying for your perfect wife or husband. Remember that God said in Genesis 2:18 : ” It is not good for man to be alone.” And also remember that God is not the respector of persons – what He has done for others He will do for You !

Duane Heath.
[email protected]

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