Todd Bentley leaves his wife

Todd Bentley has broken up with his wife and has filed for legal separation. How could this happen if his heart was truly filled with the love of God? Whatever was happening at Lakeland obviously was pretty compatible with this kind of thing.

It has come out on freshfire . ca, the ministry site of Todd Bentley, the following information:

“We wish to acknowledge, however, that since our last statement from the Fresh Fire Board of Directors, we have discovered new information revealing that Todd Bentley has entered into an unhealthy relationship on an emotional level with a female member of his staff. In light of this new information and in consultation with his leaders and advisors, Todd Bentley has agreed to step down from his position on the Board of Directors and to refrain from all public ministry for a season to receive counsel in his personal life.”

This information came after the information that Todd and his wife are currently heading for a divorce.

What kind of revival is it when the leader cannot maintain a even a tolerable relationship with his wife?

I know its challenging at times to do what the Bible says and to love your wife as Christ loves the church, but anyone who does not or cannot do this – at least to some measure – is not qualified to lead the body of Christ.

Now the problem as I see it is not simply an issue of the character flaws of a prominent “revivalist”. The true nature of the problem becomes clearer when we consider that these things must have been going on at the very time that all the greatly titled “apostles and prophets” such as Wagner, Joyner and others did their “coronation” ceremony of Bentley. Wagner was concerned to get Bentley to acknowledge him and his friends as a kind of “apostolic authority” over him. And when Bentley acknowledged it, Wagner pronounced all kinds of blessings. Why did he not rather bring a word of warning and rebuke privately instead, if he was really in tune with God? Were Wagner and his friends sent by God in all this? Were these guys even vaguely listening to the HOLY Spirit when they did all this, or were they motivated by the desire to look “big” and gain recognition? And if they LIE about it afterwards, claiming that they merely wanted to get Todd under control so they could “help him”, when in fact they practically “coronated” him “King of Revivals”, what does that say about the American “apostolic and prophetic” movement today? I would say, “Run a hundred miles away if you can”.

The problem is not JUST that they apparently did not discern anything concerning Todd’s personal life. The problem is that ALSO did not discern the mixture of spirits that was in inherent in the whole movement from the start. They seem to have endorsed the highly questionable and apparent occultic nature of much that was happening – with the female finance angel “Emma”, the money grubbing, the false prophecies, the embellishments of healing testimonies and false reports of multiple resurrections, the weirdness, the astral projection and guided visualisations, the “tribal” music, the recently acquired tattoos, the violent ministry tactics, the lack of repentance preaching and the self exaltation that characterised this “move of God”.

Whatever these men who exalted Bentley may have been or said in the past, it is clear that they all need to apologize and learn the basic principles of Christ properly, so that they will not fall for every strange “wind of doctrine” that blows from the nether regions. Don’t follow such leaders unless you want to be like them, or worse.

The leaders who endorsed Bentley and prophesied over him, proving they have little or no true spiritual discernment, are now in damage control and back-pedalling. However, thanks to the internet, and the virtually free access to statements on the public record that is now possible, it is fairly easy to scrutinize these damage control statements and ask some tough questions. For example, see

When will we stop idolizing men? Now would be a good time. If anyone’s faith is disturbed by recent events, can I suggest that you stop hero-worshiping, and learn to know Jesus, who does not behave like these men who have come in His name? It IS possible to know Jesus through God’s Word and the Spirit of Holiness. If you rely on charismatic superheroes and super-apostles, of any shade or degree, you are building on a faulty foundation.

We also need to pray for Todd, his wife and his family. After all, Todd IS gifted as an evangelist. Its just that he needs to do things God’s way, and not mix the devil’s stuff with God’s business.

I believe in apostles today, but SOME, in their zeal to see God’s Kingdom come as they imagine it should, have taken it upon themselves to mutually coronate one another in the name of the One who told us not to call any man “father”, “Rabbi”, or “Teacher” (Matthew 23).

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