The Two Gardens

I am inspired by Michael’s blog on the two trees to share some thoughts on the Two Gardens.

The first Garden was in Eden. It was paradise. No sin. No danger. All was peace, and love and joy. There was one man with a decision to make. Adam had every thing going his way. He had every reason to choose God. He had access to the Tree of Life. Had he eaten it first, consider this, he would not have had to be tempted by the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. I say this because having eaten of the Tree of Knowledge, God immediately removed the Tree of Life because He was not going to allow man to live forever in sin. This was an act of mercy. God could not tolerate man to have both of the fruits. Had Adam eaten of the Tree of Life first, I think God would have removed the Tree of Knowledge.

Back to the Garden. Man was cast out of God’s Garden and God’s presence. So, Jesus had to come to bring man back.

The second Garden was in Gethsemane. It was dark. It was late. Sin was at the door to take away our Savior. The second Adam had a choice. Save His life and call down angels and escape, or lay down his life for the redemption of man? The second Adam had every reason to choose selfishly and yet He didn’t. Jesus said, “not my will, but thine be done.” Out of a Garden cursed with thorns, came the blessing of eternal life without. Is it not just that our Lord took the thorny crown upon his head as a symbol of the curse He spoke in Eden? “the ground shall bring forth thorns…”?

Consider the selfless love of Jesus Christ in the first garden. He was there. He was the Lord who spoke with His son Adam and His daughter Eve. When they sinned, Jesus knew He would have to make the decision in a garden centuries later. Jesus knew He would have to die as the Lamb of God, slain from the foundation of the world. Jesus knew He would be cut and opened before mankind, so that the acts of Adam and Eve could be reversed.

Did He rage and rail at Adam? No. He took a lamb and killed it, knowing He Himself would be so killed. He took the skin of that lamb and covered the nakedness of Adam and of Eve. Jesus, from the first, took responsibility for our sin, if we would come to Him.

The Tree of Life, which bore much fruit, that was taken from the Garden, was now replaced by a tree that would bear the body of our Savior. Jesus Christ became sin for us. “Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree.” He took the curse of sin – wearing the crown of thorns – so that you can be set free.

What ‘garden’ do you find yourself in today? You may have everything going your way, but you still need to choose Jesus. You may have everything going against you, it will be easier then to choose Jesus. He is the way back to Eden. We cannot get back to Eden without Him. He paid the price. Make it worth His while by saying yes to Him, won’t you?

Pray this prayer with your heart, then repeat it with your lips…

“Father in Heaven. You are holy and righteous and pure. I am a sinner. I was born into sin, and I embraced it. I am not worthy of salvation. I am worthy of death. Please forgive me my sins, and accept me as your child. I NEED YOU! I choose this day to make Jesus Christ Lord of my life. I give my life, my thoughts, my dreams, my ambitions, my fears and all my failures to you Lord Jesus. Forgive me my sinful ways and cleanse me by your blood, even as I now choose to forgive all who have sinned against me. I receive your grace and mercy. I receive your forgiveness and I lay the burden of all my sins down at the foot of the cross. Take them oh Lord even now as I leave them behind. In Jesus’ name. amen.”

Now, get up from the foot of the cross and go forward in His strength and newness of life. He loves you! Get a Bible and begin reading it for your life will be found in it! Welcome to the family!


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