Jesus said, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to preach the good news to the poor”.
Even as the Son of God, as a perfect human being, Jesus would not have been able to accompany his mission of liberation without the presence of the Spirit of the Lord, the Holy Spirit, upon Him.
Today we have plenty of people trying to liberate themselves and others through the power of their mind, or of the human spirit, or through a political or social philosophy.
We’ve had classic communism, which has largely proven a failure after taking millions of people down to a very low level and inspiring a lot of war and destruction. Now many are trying Islam, or New Age philosophies, or various forms of humanism. All these philosophies will also prove the be failures in the end also.
The results of these efforts will always fall short of the desired standard, because like it or not, God has made us in such a way that we are in need of His Spirit.
And the Holy Spirit lifts up Jesus Christ and draws people to Him, to recognise the importance of HIS sacrifice for the guilt of our sins and failures.
Without this effective connection with the Creator God through the Holy Spirit and through faith in the Son of God, we are left in the hands of the spirits behind the various counterfeit philosophies and religions in the world today.
These spirits are real and are referred to as “principalities and powers, and spirits of wickedness”. People who embrace the occult contact these spirits, as do people who have spiritual experiences through various religions which deny the importance of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for sins.
These spirits are liars, and seek to enslave people, rather than to set them free.
Ironically freedom is not found in independence and separation from God, but in being close to our Creator and united with Him in His purposes for our lives.
The Holy Spirit came upon Jesus to bring people and God together, and He is upon the obedient servants of God today for the same purpose.