The Good News in Brief

The good news is that God has intervened in this sinful world and that He will intervene in the lives of those who dare to trust
Him. You don’t have to go to hell, everyone who believes in Jesus can go to heaven. Though you have not kept God’s
standards, there is a way of forgiveness and freedom from guilt. You don’t have to be fearful, God can fill your heart with
confidence. You don’t have to be depressed; God wants to fill your heart with joy! You don’t have to be tormented, God’s
gift to those who fully turn to Him is a beautiful internal peace, which does not depend on tranquil circumstances or the lack
of them. The good news is you are loved by the One whose love counts for the most – if only you knew. He will provide for
your every need if you will do your part, be patient and trust Him. Yes, there is lots of good news.

If you don’t see that there really is a problem with needing God’s forgiveness, you are still in trouble. Don’t assume He will
forgive you if you don’t know you even need to be forgiven! Yes, God has told us to love our neighbor as ourself, and even
to love Him wholeheartedly! The violation of this basic principle goes on every day because deep down, people are selfish.
The Bible says that all have sinned, and that the wages of sin is death. This selfishness expresses itself through the lies, the
lust, the manipulation, the greed, the envy, jealousy and pride we as humans are so well known for. Don’t blame it on
society; this problem comes because of the corruption of the human heart. It takes God to root the selfishness out of our
hearts to make us what we ought to be. All of us if we are honest resist this message and this process. But Jesus took it
seriously enough to suffer and die in our place, though He never did wrong. This was God’s appointed way for the just
punishment for our sins to be voluntarily paid for by His own Son, Jesus. Death could not hold Him however, He rose again
three days later, appeared to many witnesses, and reveals Himself even today to many around the world. If you soften your
heart, He may even reveal Himself to you.

I urge you to give these matters you utmost attention. And once you have understood them, you have the moral
obligation to inform others as well.

I’ve tried to set out a fuller picture of what the gospel (good news) of Jesus Christ means here.

If you are aware of quality material on the internet presenting the gospel, please make me aware of it so I can link to it.

If you want to receive God’s gift of forgiveness, if you are ready for a new life, click on the Prayers to Receive from God link
here. I urge you to read the testimonies on this site also, which I believe give powerful evidence to the reality of our God.


I invite you to build a faith community together with me. Join my social media channels and let’s connect, especially if you want freedom or fullness in Christ.

My Telegram has a ministry channel. On Tiktok I have many videos and new ones regularly.

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Michael FackerellHi my name is Michael Fackerell, founder of this site. It is created to help you know Jesus and get a great eternal reward from God Almighty. Learn More

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