The Fear of the Lord – Bible Study

This lesson’s focus is to define and illustrate the fear of the LORD. Our late 20th century culture has confused beliefs about “fear”. If you diligently complete this lesson, you will:

* Be able to define the fear of the LORD in scriptural and practical terms.
* Differentiate between the fear (love and respect) shown to the LORD by his children and the fear (terror and resentment) shown to him by those who reject Him.
* Relate the fear of the LORD to character qualities in several Bible heroes of the faith.
* Identify your current capacity for fearing the LORD and your opportunities to grow.

Memory Verse for Week 1:
Proverbs 22:4. Humility and the fear of the LORD bring honor, wealth, and life.

Lesson Background

Our memory verse contains an awesome promise! What could you desire that is not contained in this promise? Think about your friends and your family – and what they want. Are they also seeking honor, wealth, and life? But there is the catch. The way to the promise is guarded by two conditions: first – humility, second – the fear of the LORD.
There was a time when people honored neighbors who were “God-fearing” men and women. But today, the media labels someone “God-fearing,” only if they are bigoted zealots. Still others dismiss the notion as “too Old Testament”, and recite “God has not given us a spirit of fear”, or a similar verse. It seems that an understanding of the fear of the LORD has slipped out of common usage in our society.
It seems that we have a dilemma: God has made a sweeping promise satisfying much of our life’s quest, but we do not understand how to meet the requirement.
The fear of the LORD is based in a revelation of His nature, his purposes, and his power. Below are four definitions from various sources:

1. The fear of the LORD is a profound love and deep respect for God.
2. The fear of the LORD is simply taking God seriously – He keeps his promises and expects us to obey his commands.
3. The fear of the LORD is the attitude that results from knowing that God is watching my every action, weighing my every motive, and aware of my every thought.
4. The fear of the LORD means to love what God loves, and hate what he hates.

Day One Homework
Scripture Reading: Proverbs 22:4

1. What promises are contained in this verse? Do they appeal to you? (why / why not)

2. What images come to mind when you think of wealth?
Give an example of someone you consider wealthy.

Do you possess the type and quantity of wealth you desire? If not, how would you like it to change?

1. What images come to mind when you think of honor? Give an example of someone you consider honorable.

What would you consider a great personal honor? What would it be like for you to receive it?

2. Describe someone you consider to be in full possession of the life spoken of in this verse. (Some translations say ‘length of days’, rather than ‘life’).

Do you describe your life this way? If not, how would you like for it to change?

1. Define humility. Give an example of someone who meets your definition.

Are you humble? If not, what changes are needed?

Which of the definitions for the ‘fear of the LORD’ above appeals to you the most? Why?

Day Two Homework
Scripture Reading: Psalm 112

1. What promises are contained in this Psalm? Which ones appeal to you the most? Why?

2. What does it mean to delight in God’s commands?

Day Three Homework

Scripture Reading: Genesis 12:1-7, 13:14-17, 14, 15:1-6. Genesis 22:1-12
Abraham had a dilemma. God had promised him a son. Abraham trusted God for 25 years before the promise was fulfilled. Now God was asking Abraham to offer his son as a sacrifice. What was God really after?

1. When did God first promise Abraham a son? When did Abraham believe God’s promise?

2. Gen. 12:1 What four steps of obedience did God require from Abraham?

3. When did Abraham completely fulfill all four requirements?

4. Gen. 22:1. What additional test did God bring upon Abraham?

5. Gen. 22:12. How did God determine when Abraham would pass the test?

6. What has God done to test your faith and obedience?

Day Four Homework

Scripture Reading: Job 1:1-10, Job 28:12-end. Job 29.

1. Job 1:1-8. How does God describe Job?

2. Job 1:9-10. What protection does the LORD provide to those who fear him?

3. Job 28:27-28. How does God define wisdom?

4. Job 29:4-6. How does Job describe his relationship with God?

5. Job 29:7-end. What actions result from Job’s fear of the LORD? How does God reward him?

Day Five Homework

Scripture Reading: Nehemiah 1. Nehemiah 4:6-14. Nehemiah 5:1-9. Nehemiah 7:1-2
Nehemiah had an easy life in the King’s court. One day, he received news that changed his life. Obtaining permission from the King to rebuild Jerusalem, Nehemiah was faced with many problems requiring wise decisions. How to motivate people to work? How to deal with terrorists? How to settle disputes among believers? How to choose men to help lead the people?

1. Nehemiah 1. What was Nehemiah’s attitude toward the destruction of Jerusalem? How would you describe the state of the church in the world?

2. Nehemiah 4:6-14. How did Nehemiah encourage his brothers to overcome their fear of man? How can you apply this same principle?

3. Nehemiah 5:1-9. What grievance occurred among the Jewish settlers? How did Nehemiah settle it?
4. Nehemiah 7:1-2. What basis did Nehemiah use for appointing leaders?

5. How can you apply these principles to decisions you are facing?

Day Six Homework
Scripture Reading: Isaiah 11:1-4. John 8:15-16. John 5:19-30. Malachi 1:6. John 8:49. Hebrews 5:7
Some think we should fear the LORD because he is so much more powerful and wise than we are. Jesus is “God with us”, the “Word made flesh.” Did Jesus fear the LORD?

1. Isaiah 11:1-4. What are the names of the seven-fold Spirit of the LORD? In which one will the messiah take delight?

2. Think about your prayers for a moment. Which of these attributes do you pray for most often? Why?

3. Compare John 5:19-30 and John 8:15-16 to Isaiah 11:1-4. How does Jesus demonstrate that he delights in the fear of the LORD?

4. Malachi 1:6, John 8:49. How would you describe Jesus’ attitude toward his father?

5. Hebrews 5:7. What was the key to Jesus’ effectiveness in prayer?

6. How can you apply these lessons to your life?

The Last Word

1. Summarize your learning this week in a few sentences.

2. Take time now to pray for yourself, and for each member of your study group.

This lesson’s goal is to demonstrate the value that God places on the fear of the LORD. The promises that God makes to those who learn to fear Him are breathtaking! If you diligently complete this lesson, you will be able to fully pursue learning to fear the LORD, knowing the treasure that awaits you.
Memory Verse for Week 2:
Ps 115:13 he will bless those who fear the LORD– small and great alike. (NIV)
Lesson Background
Do you want God’s blessing? Most men would say that they DO want God’s blessing – but some build high walls around God’s promises. “You must (have faith, fast, pray, walk humbly, etc.) or you will not receive God’s promise,” some say. But our memory verse this week declares plainly, “he will bless those who fear the LORD – small and great alike.” Whether you are young or old, rich or poor, a new believer or a seasoned saint, black or white, American or Burmese – – if you fear the LORD, he will bless YOU!
But what is God’s blessing? Is it a feeling, such as happiness, joy, or peace? Is it material prosperity, wealth, and abundance? Is it a long, healthy life, and harmony with your loved ones? Is it intimacy with God, and knowledge of his most secret thoughts? Believers through the ages have discovered that God’s blessing includes these things and more!
Definitions – Reminder from Week 1

1. The fear of the LORD is a profound love and deep respect for God
2. The fear of the LORD is simply taking God seriously – he keeps his promises and expects us to obey his commands.
3. The fear of the LORD is the attitude that results from knowing that God is watching my every action, weighing my every motive, and aware of my every thought.
4. The fear of the LORD means to love what God loves, and hate what he hates.

Day One Homework
Scripture Reading: Intimacy with God. Job 29:1-4. Proverbs 2:1-5. Psalms 25:12-14. Psalms 33:18-19. Psalms 103:11. Isaiah 33:6(NIV)

1. How does Job describe his relationship with God?(Job 29:1-4).

1. Proverbs 2:1-5 Describe the attitude and actions of one who determines to know God intimately?

1. What promises are contained in Psalm 103:11 and Isaiah 33:6?

1. Psalm 25:12-14. What additional promise is made to those who fear the LORD?

Day Two Homework
Scripture Reading: Intimacy with God. Psalms 147:11. Psalms 31:19. Psalms 103:17. Psalms 111:10. Jeremiah 32:38-41

1. What promises are contained in Psalms 147:11, Psalms 31:19, and Psalms 103:17?

1. Many men seek wisdom from God to know what to do. What declaration does Psalms 111:10 make about getting God’s wisdom? (Compare this to Job 28:28). Is there a connection between wisdom and keeping God’s commandments?

1. What promises are contained in Jeremiah 32:38-41? How does fearing the LORD keep you intimate with and faithful to him?

Day Three Homework
Scripture Reading: Material Provision and Wealth. Proverbs 22:4. Job 1:8-10. Psalms 34:9. Genesis 26:12-13 & Genesis 31:42. Psalms 112:1-3. Deuteronomy 8:17-18.
One primary Hebrew word for wealth is “chayil”. It is a word picture of those who diligently manage assets and opportunities – not those who have hoarded large piles of goods. For example, Proverbs 31 tells us of a “virtuous” (chayil) woman. No mention is made of the quantity of her goods, but much is made of their quality and excellence. Likewise, Joseph was called a man of “special ability” (chayil). Most often, this word is used of David’s men of “valor” (chayil). God appeared in a dream to Solomon, and promised him “wealth” (chayil) and riches. Yet, it is also true that faithful men and women of God accumulated large quantities of goods. For example, Job was the ‘greatest man in the East’.

1. Job 1:8-10. What is the reward for fearing the LORD?

1. What promises are made by Proverbs 22:4, Psalms 34:9, and Deuteronomy 8:17-18? Do you believe that God wants you to prosper materially? Why or why not? What does it mean to ‘fulfill his covenant’ with you?

1. Read Genesis 26:12-13 and Genesis 31:42 together. What name does Jacob use for the Lord? Does this have any bearing on why Isaac was blessed?

1. Psalms 112:1-3. What is in the house of one who fears the LORD?

1. What resources has God already committed to your trust? Has he given you talents/ skills, knowledge, relationships, influence, physical, and financial assets? How will fearing the Lord cause them to be blessed.

Day Four Homework
Scripture Reading: True friendship and fellowship with others. Psalm 22:25. Psalms 65:8. Psalms 119:63. Psalms 119:79. Leviticus 25:17. Ephesians 5:21.

1. Where should you fulfill your vows to God? Psalm 22:25

1. What produces songs of joy? Psalms 65:8

1. Psalms 119:79 How important is it to walk with those who understand God’s heart and his ways?

1. Psalms 119:63 What is the basis used for selecting and nurturing friendships?

1. Leviticus 25:17. Ephesians 5:21 How does the fear of the LORD affect relationships with peers?

Day Five Homework
Scripture Reading: God deserves to be feared – and commands it! Jer 5:22. Mal 1:6. Isa 8:13. Ps 90:11. Deut 10:12-13. Mal 2:5. Luke 20:13. Prov 3:7. Eccl 3:14. Eccl 12:13. Luke 12:5

1. Compare Luke 12:5 to Malachi 1:6. Whom are we told to fear? Why?

1. Malachi 2:5 Why does God deserve reverence?

1. List the reasons given for fearing the Lord found in Jeremiah 5:22, Isaiah 8:13, Psalms 90:11, Ecclesiastes 3:14, 12:13, Luke 20:13.

1. Deuteronomy 10:12-13. What does the Lord require of his people?

1. Deuteronomy 5:28-29. Why does God want us to fear Him?

1. Ecclesiastes 12:13 What is the ‘whole duty of man’? Do you consider this your duty?

Day Six Homework
Scripture Reading: Trembling before God. Psalm 2:11. Isaiah 66:2,5. Mark 4:41. Psalm 119:120. Hebrews 12:21
Do you know only the storybook Jesus – meek and mild? Today we encounter the undeniable fact that those who know God most intimately are often “undone” by the experience. Trembling and shaking are common responses to God’s presence. In fact, it is a sign of reverence to tremble in God’s presence.

1. Psalm 2:11. How are we to worship and serve the Lord?

1. Isaiah 66:2,5. Whom does God respect?

1. Mark 4:41. How did the disciples respond to Jesus’ mastery of the storm?

1. Hebrews 12:21 How did Moses respond to God’s presence?

1. Psalms 119:120 What is the proper response to hearing God’s word?

The Last Word

1. Summarize your learning this week in a few sentences.

1. Take time now to pray for yourself, and for each member of your study group.

Christian faith, Jesus and the Bible, testimonies

Purpose & Objectives
This lesson’s purpose is to identify steps you can take to learn to fear the LORD, and to show what God does to help you learn.
Memory Verse for Week 3:
Ps 86:11. Teach me your way, O LORD, and I will walk in your truth; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name. (NIV)
Lesson Background
A surface comparison of major religions finds great similarities and few differences: each has ethical teaching; each has rules for faithful practice of its precepts, a priesthood and a teaching class; and each warms of penalties for infidelity and promises blessings to the faithful. That’s where the similarity ends, though. Only Judaism and Christianity make the daring declaration that God the Father wants an intimate relationship with every believer – today, in this life. In fact, “salvation” is the by-product of a face-to-face relationship with the Lord and Savior of all men, our Messiah, Jesus Christ! Furthermore, Jesus boldly promises that his co-equal member of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit, will “teach you, and lead you into all truth.”
This week we look at the actions we can take and attitudes we must adopt to learn to fear the LORD. We also look at some methods the Holy Spirit uses to help us to learn.

Definitions – Reminder from Week 1

1. The fear of the LORD is a profound love and deep respect for God
2. The fear of the LORD is simply taking God seriously – he keeps his promises and expects us to obey his commands.
3. The fear of the LORD is the attitude that results from knowing that God is watching my every action, weighing my every motive, and aware of my every thought.
4. The fear of the LORD means to love what God loves, and hate what he hates.

Day One Homework
Scripture Reading: His promises to teach us. Exodus 4:12,15. Luke 12:11-12. I John 2:27. John 14:26. Psalms 32:8. Psalms 34:11

1. Exodus 4:12,15. What did God promise to teach Moses? Compare this to Luke 12:11-12. What does Jesus promise that the Holy Spirit will teach his disciples?

1. 1 John 2:27. What is the anointing? What will the anointing teach us?

1. John 14:26. What promise does Jesus make about the Holy Spirit?

1. Compare Psalms 32:8 with Psalms 34:11. What does God promise?

Day Two Homework
Scripture Reading: The heart-attitude of a disciple. Psalms 32:8-9. Psalms 34:11-14. Proverbs 2:1-5. Isaiah 57:15. Psalm 25:9. I Peter 5:5. Luke 14:26.

1. Psalms 32:8-9. What conditions are required for God to teach us? What is meant by the metaphor of the horse and the mule?

1. Psalms 34:11-14. What commandments are given to those who would learn the fear of the LORD?

1. Proverbs 2:1-5. What does it mean to search “as for treasure?” What attitude is shown when we “cry aloud?” What heart attitude is required?

1. Psalm 25:9 and 1 Peter 5:5. Whom does God promise to guide?

1. Luke 14:26. What is the “entrance examination” that determines who is eligible to become a disciple?

Day Three Homework
Scripture Reading: Actions that only you can take. Psalms 25:4-5. Psalms 27:11. Psalms 51:6. Psalms 90:12. Psalms 86:11. Proverbs 1:23-29. Psalm 119:12,26,33,64,66,68,108,124,135,171.
Jesus said “Ask, and you shall receive. Seek and you will find.” James wrote, “you have not because you ask not.” The actions you alone can take to learn the fear of the LORD are summarized here: ask, choose, seek.

1. Ask. Psalms 86:11. What does the Psalmist ask for? What does he promise to do with the LORD’s answer? Can you make a similar commitment?

1. Review Psalms 25:4-5, Psalms 27:11, Psalms 90:12, and Psalm 119:12, 26, 33, 64, 66, 68, 108, 124, 135, 171. What does learning God’s word have to do with learning to fear the LORD?

1. Psalms 51:6. Where does God want us to learn truth and wisdom?

1. Choose. Proverbs 1:23-29. How would you describe wisdom’s attitude toward the simple? What is wisdom’s response when the stubborn fool gets into trouble (v29)? Did you know that you can choose to fear the LORD?

1. Seek. Proverbs 2:1-6 and Isaiah 11:2-4. From where does true wisdom and understanding arise? To whom does God give it?

1. Write below a prayer that expresses your desire to learn the fear of the LORD.

Day Four Homework
Scripture Reading: God’s part: what he does to teach you. Exodus 20:20. Genesis 22:1-12. Deuteronomy 8:5-6. Hebrews 12:7-11.

1. Exodus 20:20. What is the purpose of God’s testing? What will happen to people who learn to fear the LORD?

1. Genesis 22:1-12 What did God order Abraham to do? What did God’s test reveal in Abraham (v12)?

1. Genesis 22:1-12 What is the most precious thing to you? How does Abraham’s test compare to Luke 14:26?

1. Deuteronomy 8:5-6. What methods did God use to test the Israelites? What was he examining in their lives? Compare this to Hebrews 12:7-11. What is the purpose for his discipline?

1. How has he tested and disciplined you? Have you responded by choosing to fear the LORD?

Day Five Homework
Scripture Reading: God’s part: what he does to teach you! Psalms 67:7. Psalms 119:38. Hebrews 12:21, 28-29. Isaiah 59:19 and Mark 4:41. Daniel 10:7-8, Luke 1:11-12, Revelation 1:17. Jeremiah 32:38-41.

1. Psalms 67:7, Psalms 119:38. What are we supposed to learn from answered prayer?

1. Hebrews 12:21, 28-29. How has God demonstrated his power and sovereignty to you? What has been the result?

1. Isaiah 59:19 and Mark 4:41. How do men respond to a genuine miracle? Is this your response?

1. Daniel 10:7-8, Revelation 1:17, Luke 1:11-12. How do men react to the presence of angels?

1. Jeremiah 32:38-41. What does God promise to do for his people? Are there any conditions on these promises?

Day Six Homework
Scripture Reading: God’s part: Judgment and wrath on evildoers. Revelation 14:6-7, 15:4. Acts 5:1-11. Psalms 90:11. Psalms 64:7-9. 2 Samuel 6:8-9. Psalms 2:5. Romans 2:5

1. What is your attitude towards God’s judgment and wrath, when you see it fall on others? Do you fear that the same will happen to you? Are you motivated to warn others to turn away from their sin also?

The Last Word

1. Summarize your learning this week in a few sentences.

1. Take time now to pray for yourself, and for each member of your study group.

This lesson’s purpose is to identify the results you’ll see in your personal life, and in life’s most intimate relationships as a result of fearing the LORD.

Memory Verse for Week 4:
Psalms 112:1. Praise the LORD! Blessed is the man who fears he LORD, who finds great delight in his commands.
Lesson Background
A common media mantra in our day is that “faith is private,” and has no effect on our daily lives. But Jesus said just the opposite. We should “pray in secret to our father in heaven, who will reward you openly.” He warned that, “if you do not confess me before men, neither will I confess you before my Father in heaven.” Paul said “do everything in the name of Jesus to the glory of God, giving thanks by him.”
That is, we are to be witnesses. Often we confuse “being a witness” with the act of “witnessing.” Why do we hold back? For many, it is because of the fear of man. We are afraid that if we become known as God’s servants, we’ll be embarrassed or humiliated when someone discovers the inconsistent behaviors and habits in our lives. Sometimes this carries over into our families as well. We refuse to exercise proper leadership in our homes for fear that we’ll be seen as a hypocrite by our spouse and children.
This week we look at the wide-reaching effect that fearing the LORD has on our personal lives, and on our family relationships.

Definitions – Reminder from Week 1

1. The fear of the LORD is a profound love and deep respect for God
2. The fear of the LORD is simply taking God seriously – he keeps his promises and expects us to obey his commands.
3. The fear of the LORD is the attitude that results from knowing that God is watching my every action, weighing my every motive, and aware of my every thought.
4. The fear of the LORD means to love what God loves, and hate what he hates.

Day One Homework
Scripture Reading: Results of fearing man. Proverbs 29:25. 1 Peter 3:14. John 12:42, 19:38 & 20:19. Romans 8:15 & Hebrews 2:14-15. Isaiah 51:12-13. John 5:44. I John 4:18. Genesis 20:11.

1. Proverbs 29:25. What contrast is made by this verse? Have you ever been caught in this snare? Describe how you felt, and what you were afraid would happen. Did it?

1. John 12:42, 19:38 & 20:19. What fear is described by these verses? Have you faced a similar fear?

1. Romans 8:15, Hebrews 2:15. What are the results of fear?

1. 1 John 4:18. Love is sometimes defined as acting in another’s best interest with no regard for it’s cost to you. What is the relationship of fear and love?

1. Genesis 20:11. What compromise did Abraham make? Why?

1. Isaiah 51:12-13. John 5:44. What fear is described in these verses? How does this fear affect one’s faith in God?

Day Two Homework
Scripture Reading: Fearing the LORD brings God’s love and freedom from the fear of man. Luke 12:4-5. Isaiah 11:2-4. Psalms 34:7. Psalms 103:17, Psalms 118:4 & 1 John 4:18. Proverbs 19:23. Psalms 112:1,7-8.

1. Isaiah 11:2-4. These verses spell out the seven-fold nature of the Spirit of God (see also Rev 1:5). Where will the Messiah focus his energy and take his delight?

1. Luke 12:4-5. Whom does Jesus say should be feared?

1. 1 John 4:18, Psalms 103:17 & Psalms 118:4. What is the antidote to fear? How do you abide in God’s love?

1. Proverbs 19:23, Psalms 112:1,7-8 & Psalms 34:7. What protection does God offer the one who fears Him? What is the attitude of a righteous man toward bad news?

Day Three Homework
Scripture Reading: Improving the consistency of your walk. Psalms 147:11. Proverbs 8:13 & 14:27. Job 1:8. Job 28:28 & 2 Timothy 2:19.2 Corinthians 7:1. Philippians 2:12
To be “holy” simply means, “to be reserved for God’s use.” To be “righteous” simply means, “to be rightly related to God.” There are obvious behavioral consequences of these two conditions, but we should not confuse cause with effect. Today’s homework relates the fear of the Lord to the consistency of your walk.

1. Psalms 147:11. In whom does God delight?

1. Proverbs 8:13 & 14:27, Job 28:28 & 2 Timothy 2:19. How does learning to fear the LORD affect your attitude toward evil? How does it affect your actions?

1. Job 1:8. Describe Job’s attitude and character, as evaluated by God. What role does Job’s fear of the LORD play in his righteousness?

1. 2 Corinthians 7:1, Philippians 2:12. What should the fear of the LORD motivate us to do?

Day Four Homework
Scripture Reading: Husbands and wives. Ephesians 5:21. Ephesians 5:22-28. 1 Peter 3:1-8.

1. Ephesians 5:21. How does fearing the LORD affect our relationships with others? To whom are you to submit yourself?

1. Ephesians 5:22-28. What special commandment for wives flows out of this fear of the LORD?

1. Ephesians 5:22-28. How does a husband’s fear of the LORD affect the way he treats his wife?

1. 1 Peter 3:1-2. What attitude is to govern how a wife behaves toward her husband? Should a believing wife behave differently toward an unbelieving husband?

1. 1 Peter 3:3-8. Sometimes the husband is wrong in his decisions and actions. What should be the wife’s attitude in these cases? To whom does the believing wife appeal for protection?

Day Five Homework
Scripture Reading: Parents and Children. Malachi 1:6. John 8:29, 8:49. Ephesians 6:2-4. Leviticus 19:3. Leviticus 19:32. 1 Peter 5:5.

1. Leviticus 19:3, Malachi 1:6. How are children to treat their parents? What attitude are they to display?

1. John 8:29, 8:49. How did Jesus behave toward his Father?

1. Reflect your attitude and behavior toward your own parents. Does it reflect the high standards set out in the scripture?

1. Leviticus 19:32. 1 Peter 5:5. How should younger people treat older folk?

1. Ephesians 6:2-4. What promise is attached to this commandment? ? If you have children, are you training them to properly honor their parents? Do you want them to mimic your attitude toward your parents?

Day Six Homework
Scripture Reading: Putting the package together. Psalms 112
Today take time to reflect on the total picture of wholeness described in Psalms 112. Write down a prayer, meditation or other thought after each verse in the space provided.

1. Praise the LORD. Blessed is the man who fears the LORD, who finds great delight in his commands.

1. His children will be mighty in the land; the generation of the upright will be blessed.

1. Wealth and riches are in his house, and his righteousness endures forever.

1. Even in darkness light dawns for the upright, for the gracious and compassionate and righteous man.

5 Good will come to him who is generous and lends freely, who conducts his affairs with justice.

6 Surely he will never be shaken; a righteous man will be remembered forever.

7 He will have no fear of bad news; his heart is steadfast, trusting in the LORD.

8 His heart is secure, he will have no fear; in the end he will look in triumph on his foes.

1. He has scattered abroad his gifts to the poor, his righteousness endures forever; his horn will be lifted high in honor.

1. The wicked man will see and be vexed, he will gnash his teeth and waste away; the longings of the wicked will come to nothing.

The Last Word

1. Summarize your learning this week in a few sentences.

2. Take time now to pray for yourself, and for each member of your study group.

Christian faith, Jesus and the Bible, testimonies

Purpose & Objectives
This lesson’s purpose is to demonstrate the role that the fear of the LORD plays in making and maturing disciples, and in church growth.

Memory Verse for Week 5:
2 Cor 5:11 Since, then, we know what it is to fear the Lord, we try to persuade men. What we are is plain to God, and I hope it is also plain to your conscience.
Lesson Background
Jesus told his disciples to “make disciples of all nations, teaching them to do all that I have commanded you.” Making disciples begins with conversion, resulting from evangelism. Some have forgotten that the measure of success is conformance of each life to the commandments of Jesus – not the number of decisions, size of attendance, political impact, or frequency of meetings.
As Paul stated, “we strive to present every man complete in Christ Jesus.” As our memory verse reminds us, we begin the discipleship process in the fear of the LORD by striving to persuade unbelievers to surrender to Christ. But we must be honest with ourselves and with others about the cost of discipleship. Even Lenin, speaking of the total commitment required to change the world for the cause of communism said, “I do not care if the masses believe. Give me but 20 men who regard themselves as ‘…dead men on furlough’ and I will change the world.” Is not our cause worthy of our very lives?
Definitions – Reminder from Week 1

1. The fear of the LORD is a profound love and deep respect for God
2. The fear of the LORD is simply taking God seriously – he keeps his promises and expects us to obey his commands.
3. The fear of the LORD is the attitude that results from knowing that God is watching my every action, weighing my every motive, and aware of my every thought.
4. The fear of the LORD means to love what God loves, and hate what he hates.

Day One Homework
Scripture Reading: Making disciples. Matthew 28:19-20. Luke 14:26-33. Mathew 10:34-39. John 12:26

1. Matthew 28:19-20. What result is fulfilling the great commission supposed to produce? Compare this to what you observe in most churches.

1. Matthew 10:34-39. Luke 14:26-33. John 12:26. What sacrifice does Jesus require of every disciple? Is this a single act or a daily lifestyle?

Day Two Homework
Scripture Reading: The goal and method of discipleship. Luke 6:40. 1 Corinthians 4:16, Ephesians 5:1, 1 Thessalonians 1:6. 1 Thessalonians 2:14. Hebrews 6:12 & 13:7. Colossians 1:28.

1. Luke 6:40. How does a mature disciple live?

1. 1 Corinthians 4:16, Ephesians 5:1, 1 Thessalonians 1:6. What method should we use to ‘grow’ as a disciple?

1. Hebrews 6:12 and 13:7. What / whom are we to imitate?

1. Colossians 1:28. The Greek word used here for ‘perfect’ means “complete – having all parts fully developed and properly put to use.” Describe a ‘perfect’ disciple.

Day Three Homework
Scripture Reading: Church growth & evangelism. Acts 2:32-47

1. Acts 2:32-41. This is the first recorded ‘evangelistic outreach’ in the New Testament, where people are invited to respond to the gospel. What are the elements of Peter’s message?

1. Acts 2:43. What was the attitude of the new believers

1. Acts 2:42-47. Describe the lifestyle of the new believers.

1. Acts 2:47. What did the LORD do in response to this combination of attitude and lifestyle?

1. What changes in the attitude and lifestyle of our church are needed if we are to conform to this pattern?

Day Four Homework
Scripture Reading: Church growth and evangelism. Acts 5:1-14. Acts 2:43. Acts 9:31. 2 Corinthians 5:11

1. 2 Corinthians 5:11. What is the apostle’s motivation for persuading others?

1. Acts 5:1-14. Why did God kill Ananias and Sapphira?

1. Acts 5:5,11. How did the church respond to God’s judgment?

1. Acts 5:12-14. Did some people stay away from the church because of this event? What impact did it have on church growth?

1. Acts 5:12-14, Acts 2:43. What is the connection between the fear of the LORD and the working of miracles in the church?

1. Acts 9:31. What is the connection between the fear of the LORD and church multiplication?

Day Five Homework
Scripture Reading: Church growth. Acts 19:13-20. Ezra 10:1-3.

1. Acts 19:13-16. Were the sons of Sceva authorized to use Jesus name? Why or why not?

1. Acts 19:17. How was Jesus regarded?

1. Acts 19:18-20. What motivated the believers to publicly confess their evil deeds and repent?

1. Acts 19:20. What effect did their repentance have on the growth of the church? Is the word of God going out from us in power?

1. Ezra 10:1-3. The Israelites had to make a very tough decision that broke up some unauthorized marriages. What motivation did Shecaniah cite for taking this drastic step?

Day Six Homework
Scripture Reading: The believer’s attitude toward spiritual authority. Ephesians 5:21. 2 Corinthians 7:15. John 5:23. 1 Timothy 3:8. Hebrews 13:17. Matthew 10:40-41.

1. Ephesians 5:21. To whom are we to submit? What is the motivation for this submission?

1. 2 Corinthians 7:15. What attitude did the church at Corinth display toward Timothy?

1. John 5:23, Matthew 10:40-41. What attitude does God require toward his son? What attitude does Jesus expect us to show toward those whom he sends to us?

1. 1 Timothy 3:8. What lifestyle is required of those who are selected to lead the church?

1. Hebrews 13:17. What attitude and action does God require toward the leaders of his church?

The Last Word

1. Summarize your learning this week in a few sentences.

2. Take time now to pray for yourself, and for each member of your study group.
This lesson’s purpose is to demonstrate the impact that fearing the LORD has on our communities and society as a whole.

Memory Verse for Week 6:
2 Samuel 23:3-4. The God of Israel spoke, the Rock of Israel said to me: ‘When one rules over men in righteousness, when he rules in the fear of God, he is like the light of morning at sunrise on a cloudless morning, like the brightness after rain that brings the grass from the earth.’
Lesson Background
The founding documents of our nation – the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, both assert that God grants rights to men, and then institutes governments among men to safeguard these rights. Where do these ideas come from? Our founders were God-fearing men who believed they were inspired in constructing these charters.
But in recent times, governments have displaced individuals, families, churches in the roles of educator, provider, and caregiver. With this action, they have also usurped the authority vested by God in these institutions.
What was the original pattern? Can we get back to the original design? What role does the fear of God play in such areas as civil government, justice, education, and care for the weak, infirm, aged, and foreigner?

Definitions – Reminder from Week 1

1. The fear of the LORD is a profound love and deep respect for God
2. The fear of the LORD is simply taking God seriously – he keeps his promises and expects us to obey his commands.
3. The fear of the LORD is the attitude that results from knowing that God is watching my every action, weighing my every motive, and aware of my every thought.
4. The fear of the LORD means to love what God loves, and hate what he hates.

Day One Homework
Scripture Reading: Care for the weak, infirm, poor, aged, and foreigner. Leviticus 19:32. Leviticus 19:9-18. Acts 2:44-45. 2 Thessalonians 3:10-12. Galatians 6:5. Exodus 1:16-17
Every society, community, and family has its ‘disadvantaged’ members. Some become this way through the malice of others, some through natural occurrences, some through laziness or foolishness. Regardless, both individuals and the church have a responsibility to carry out.

1. Leviticus 19:32. What attitude do we show to the aged?

2. Leviticus 19:9-18. What are our responsibilities toward each of the groups named in this passage of scripture?

3. Leviticus 19:14. What motivates us to fulfill our responsibilities?

4. Acts 2:44-45. How did individuals in the early church care for those who lacked food?

5. Leviticus 19:10, 2 Thessalonians 3:10-12, Galatians 6:5. What requirement do able-bodied people have to provide for themselves?

6. Exodus 1:16-17. How would the our national tragedy, abortion, be changed if the medical profession feared the LORD?

Day Two Homework
Scripture Reading: Relationships with employees and employers. Ephesians 6:5-9. Leviticus 25:43. 1 Peter 2:18. Job 31:13-23
The relationships described as ‘servants’ or even ‘slaves’ in Leviticus and Deuteronomy were quite similar to modern relationships between employers and employees.

1. Ephesians 6:5-9. What should a servant’s attitude be toward his master? Does God make a distinction between slave and free when it comes to rewards?

2. Leviticus 25:43. Ephesians 6:8. How should a master treat his servants? What is his motivation for treating them this way?

3. Job 31:13-23. How does Job claim he has treated the disadvantaged? What is the motivation for his actions?

4. Are you an employee / employer? If so, what adjustments should you make in serving your employer / directing your employees?

Day Three Homework
Scripture Reading: Civil justice. Isaiah 11:3-4. John 8:15-16. 2 Chronicles 19:7-9. Exodus 18:21-22.

1. Isaiah 11:3-4, John 8:15-16. What basis did Jesus use for making decisions and judgments?

2. 2 Chronicles 19:7-9. What criteria does the Lord set for selecting judges?

3. Exodus 18:21-22. What criteria are used for selecting judges for Israel?

4. What would be different in our courts if judges had to meet the same criteria?

Day Four Homework
Scripture Reading: Civic leadership. 2 Samuel 23:3-4. Nehemiah 5:15. Genesis 42:18.

1. 2 Samuel 23:3-4. The Lord compares one who rules in the fear of the LORD to” the light of morning at sunrise on a cloudless morning, like the brightness after rain that brings the grass from the earth.” What does this mean to you?

2. Nehemiah 5:15. Explain how Nehemiah’s actions were consistent with fearing God.

3. Genesis 42:18. What action did Joseph take because he feared God?

4. Describe a recent decision made or action of an elected official that displays his / her fear of the LORD. Identify another action / decision that demonstrates a lack of the fear of the LORD.

Day Five Homework
Scripture Reading: National defense and protection. Psalms 34:7. Deuteronomy 2:25, 11:25. Joshua 2:11. Joshua 10:11-12, 42. 2 Chronicles 14:14

1. Psalms 34:7. Does this principle apply to nations as well as individuals?

2. Deuteronomy 2:25, 11:25. How does God help his people when they are in battle?

3. Joshua 2:11. What happened to the courage of Israel’s enemies?

4. Joshua 10:11-12,42. How did God assist his people in this battle?

5. 2 Chronicles 14:14. What initiative did God take to help his people when they were under siege?

Day Six Homework
Scripture Reading: The end of the matter. Ecclesiastes 12:13-14.

1. What deeds will God examine on the judgment day?

2. What changes have you determined to make in your life, as a result of this study?

The Last Word

1. Summarize your learning this week in a few sentences.

2. Take time now to pray for yourself, and for each member of your study group.

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