The Book Has Already been Written. NDE~~When Did God Change.

NDE~~When Did God Change.

Remember the man that wanted to go back & warn his children of Hell?

I have been told by a woman in a vision that God doesn’t do that anymore.

Oh yeah, when did God change.

You see, I didn’t read the “Bible” it was simply a reference to me after God spoke the words.

“Who will fight for my children Isreal”
I saw the Lord say at the head of the long table.

“Feed my children Israel”
The Lord said to me, and I wasn’t asleep.

The point is, God Looooves his people, & his people is Israel, and that will never change.

You see, we don’t fit the description of mans beloved photos.

We don’t have NDEs , because, WE LIVE and
the book has already been written.

My mother didn’t give me my name, and I couldn’t make it up.

We were born unto God before the foundation of the world, I AM! & My mother couldn’t choose me, because my Father did!

When did God change.
I hadn’t read the book, and all that the Lord told me is in the book. His Love for his people Israel.

I know, they came back -NDE-, and they want to die, maybe you do too. but I tell you, when you die for the Glory of the Lord, writing a book is the last thing on your mind.

It has already been written.

They all talk a good talk, until the Lord walks his children in.
They don’t like us, because Gods children don’t fit the profile.

Not the actors you see portraying us in films and television.
Not the ones -pictures- they print in the bible,
Not even the paintings they put in the churches.

I don’t fit the profile. But I Am the ones that God Loves!!
You will find it in everything written.

Israel is Gods chosen people and as I found out later, as he called me awake from my sleep in the night, that has not, nor will it ever ever change.

This is not self glorification, just self notification. I Am!
So this isn’t for sell. It is for you.

There is No Way Around God & there are No Skates in Heaven, believe me.

I invite you to build a faith community together with me. Join my social media channels and let’s connect, especially if you want freedom or fullness in Christ.

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