Thank You FATHER!
Well, I gave my heart and life to JESUS CHRIST when I was 12 years old. I was all fired up wanting everyone to know and have what I had. I was going to be a Preacher, telling all about JESUS. Well, when I was about 16 years old, I let something that a Deacon said to me get me out of Church. I know now that it wasn’t his fault, that I fell from the Grace of GOD but mine. I started living for the world instead of for GOD.
I went to clubs, drinking, smoking pot, doing cocaine, and more. I got up to 4 packs of cigarettes a day. My Wife got back in Church and had them all Praying for me. It was a small Church.
Well, slowly but surely GOD keep working on me. On Oct. 22 2000 I gave my life back to the ONE that it belonged to GOD. HE has took the Evil things of this world, and gave me the Good things of Heaven. I now teach Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, Wee Church 4-5-6 year old every 5th Sunday.
And everyday I. Walk the Walk and Talk the Talk of my Savior JESUS and HIS FATHER, GOD almighty. NOW MY FATHER TOO!!!