Testimony of Reconciling with a friend

Hi all,

This week has been great. Praises for more financial aid for school. I got an email from my school’s financial aid saying that I was eligible for a grant and the grant covered the rest of my school fees and it even exceded what I neeeded. It is so amazing that I am still at awe at what happended. I thank God for provision. Also, on the same day I had such a great experience helping tutor GED students. I got so much joy from it that it just brightened the rest of my day. However, I had a grudge against one of my friends and it has impacted my whole weekend coming into this new week. I had wanted to keep away from him and just be angry with him rather than confront him because it would have placed me in a vulnerable position. I knew that I had to talk with him and just admit that I was wrong for being angry with him. I prayed to God to give me the guidance to go talk with him and to be slow to speak, slow to wrath and keep to listen because I knew that I tended to speak my mind regardless of how it may hurt the other person. I asked for God’s guidance and grace and I went up to meet my friend. I opened up the problem and after I confronted him about the problem, I realized that he was not at fault at all and that I had jumped into conclusion and misunderstood the whole problem. At the end, I came out with much peace and trust in God that He was in control. Though I need more guidance, I am so grateful to God for this little problem He fixed for the joy. It was a silly grudge but I am happy to have being in that vulnerable position of looking silly talking about the problem and hearing my friends side of the story and at the end getting peace and freedom . It was like a weight had been lifted off from my heart. But I need more prayers to trust God in everything especially the future and to just be present in Him in each moment. Amen. Thank you Lord.

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