Testimony of Former Atheist and Satanist who came to faith in Jesus


You can see just looking at the tattoos on this man’s body that he was deeply into evil.

He went to church as a young, young child and got baptized when he was 12. He said he gave his life to Christ so he would feel better. But he did not live a Christian life at all after all. The devil comes calling hard if he thinks you might be an asset to Christianity.

Around 13 he started getting into nasty stuff – smoking weed, fornication, dropping acid. He got into heavy metal, horror movies and everything that was dark.

He was enjoying being an outcast, getting into heavy metal. He got into weed, alcohol and he lived like this for 27 years. He was good academically. He was offered scholarships when he left school. He was fascinated with the theory of evolution and did Uni.

He saw questions which were not comfortable with certain problems in macro-evolution. He lost interest in school. He got married and had a daughter which was a great blessing to him.

Basically he lived a life of sin, got into satanic philosophy, freemasonry, theosophy and such things. He also became a successful tattoo artist. He married a beautiful woman who also worked as a prostitute.

But he says that there was a God shaped hole in his life that no amount of sex or drugs or money could fill. He was confronted with Jesus at one stage in his life wherever he looked. He asked for forgiveness, accepted Christ and received Christ and forgiveness. His wife also had had a dream in the meantime where she saw the Lord.

He encourages you if you are an unbeliever to check things out, research the evidence for Christ and the Bible, and not to be afraid of what others may think.

Learn more by watching the video.

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