Testimony of a Student Witnessing at School

As soon as I got saved, I started witnessing to my friends at school – but at first it was just one-on-one. Then a few months later while I was getting baptized with the Holy Spirit, I saw a ‘vision’ of a multitude of students at my school gathered in the playground listening to the Gospel. From that moment on I started to observe a greater power in my witness. One day three of my classmates accepted Christ as Saviour, then I laid hands on them to receive the Holy Spirit and they spoke with tongues and one of them prophesied under a tree beside the school athletics oval.

Another day when I was witnessing to a few students, several other students wondered what was going on, so they came over and listened. Then several other students wondered what the attraction was, and they came and joined us too. Many students over at the tennis courts thought it must have been a fight, so they came running to see. Then a student ran up to the students having lunch behind the buildings and told as many as he could, “There’s a fight on down on the bottom oval!” So they came running from all over the school to come and see the fight. But there was no fight – it was just me and a friend, preaching the Gospel. The school prefects arrived with their notebooks saying, “We want to know the NAMES and GRADE of who’s fighting.” I said, “No-one’s fighting – we’re just telling them about Jesus!” The whole crowd cheered and clapped. Everyone was thronging to get near enough to try to see what was going on. So one student yelled out, “Everyone sit down on the grass.” The whole group sat down on the ground while my friend and I preached the Gospel for the rest of the lunch-hour. Someone estimated 300 people gathered. I guessed it was more like 100. But the vision I had when I was first baptized in the Holy Spirit came to pass.

Next I asked permission from my Principal to use a classroom once-a-week to hold a Christian meeting at lunch time. And every other day of the week, I organized the new converts to go witnessing. Sometimes 100 people turned-up to the meetings. I got some persecution – but the more I got the more I rejoiced! One day I told the Deputy Principal I wanted to give a speech at the School assembly: I preached the Gospel to the whole school. After someone got saved, we’d lay hands on him or her to be filled with the Spirit and often they’d speak with tongues. We’d lay hands on the sick. And we’d arrange to pick them up to come to church with us on Sunday.

For any teenager who believes in Jesus and who has received the Holy Spirit – this can be NORMAL school life. One of my teachers told me, “This is just a flash in the pan.” But after all these years, I still like telling people about Jesus and His love.

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