Tell Others About Jesus

Why should we tell others about Jesus? Well, from the point of view of a believer, nothing and no one is more important. than Him. The whole Universe was created through Jesus Christ (John 1:1-3), and without Jesus no one finds acceptance with God. No one. Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except by Me.” (John 14:16). So everyone NEEDS to know who Jesus is, and it is up to us (the believers) to work together to prayerfully tell everyone. And we need to show them who Jesus is as well as we can, too.

If you are not a believer, this page isn’t so much for you. I’ve got lots of content on this site that might help you to see that it is reasonable to believe. There are hundreds of testimonies of lives changed by Jesus, and there is strong historical evidence as well to support the central claims of Christianity, such as the resurrection of Christ from the dead.

But if you ARE a believer, please do not be a half-hearted Christian. Do not be ashamed of Jesus. Look to Him and draw inspiration instead, so that you can take bold action where you live.

As this site attempts to show, the vast majority of mankind is in an extremely perilous spiritual condition by default. This applies to everyone, not just people who are somehow exceptionally bad in the eyes of society. Just as a cake with a teaspoon of kerosene mixed in is not acceptable to us, so a life with a little sin mixed in is not going to be acceptable to God if it stands alone. Everyone needs a Savior. That Savior is Jesus. There is no one else who can make the difference. Jesus makes the difference by His blood sacrifice for us.

Because people are in danger of being rejected because of their sinfulness they REALLY NEED to hear about the only solution for this which is acceptable to God – which is faith in the blood of Jesus. That is why it is so important for YOU also to do what you can to get this message out to others.

Christ instructed ALL his followers to do at least two things. One is, to follow Christ’s example of living in relationship with the Father, and doing God’s will – all through the power of the Holy Spirit. Secondly, and this is a big part of it – we must be part of telling people the gospel.

We are to tell others about Jesus because Jesus, our Lord and Master, commands us to.

“Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation” (Mark 16:15)

And just what is the gospel? Well, there are many aspects to it. But the core message for today is found in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4

 Moreover, brethren, I declare to you the gospel which I preached to you, which also you received and in which you stand, by which also you are saved, if you hold fast that word which I preached to you—unless you believed in vain.

For I delivered to you first of all that which I also received: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures,

These are the facts of the gospel that must be believed from the heart if one is to be saved (rescued). You (and anyone who hears the gospel) must hold fast to the message if they are to be finally saved. People need to believe that Jesus rose from death and is alive. They also need to believe that He died, taking the punishment and nature of sin in their place.

The implications of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ are huge, and these are what we must talk about once we have people’s attention. Please study these implications and think about them so that you CAN communicate these to others. Unless you know really clearly what the core message of the gospel is, it will be difficult for you to communicate it clearly to others – which is what you must do if you want to help people find forgiveness with God, acceptance with God, and new spiritual life.

How to Talk about Jesus to Others

There are many, many ways to do this, and we can always learn more about how to do this effectively.

First of all, itis very important adopt an attitude of submission to the Holy Spirit in your own life so that God’s peace can flow through you as you talk with others about Christ.

You need to be intentional about this. To be consistent as witness, you will need to make up your mind in advance that you are going to find ways to turn conversations to things which will lead to a presentation of Jesus to people. It is great if it just comes out of you naturally as you relate to people, but if this is not your experience then you need to be deliberate and intentional. Otherwise, you can spend months or even years without witnessing to anyone.

The best way to start is by asking people questions. You can start by asking a series of questions like “What do you think is the point of life?” and move on from there, as you can see in this simple gospel message. I recommend you start off by using this one for a while and see where it takes you. It will help you to get the essential points of the message across and challenge people to a response within 10 minutes.

How to Get People’s Attention for Jesus

The best way actually requires you to be filled with the Holy Spirit and demonstrate Jesus’ healing power to others. You can learn the theory on how to do this on this site, but you will need to put these things into practice and use your faith for it to actually happen. I use this method when I have the confidence to do so. This is a question of faith, You can develop faith by drawing near to God in prayer and by hearing and meditating on the Word of God – whether Scripture or Bible preaching, after which you must learn to follow the promptings God gives you.

People have used other methods to get attention for Jesus. It might be through acts of mercy and charity – for example, giving out food or practical help. It might be through the arts – through music or drama. All these things are fine. But I still think that healing and deliverance is the best method, because it is the method Jesus Himself used. The miraculous signs Jesus did gave a lot of credibility to His message. Such signs strongly suggest that God Himself is involved. It is not just men’s religious deeds now – but God Himself.

How to Work with Others to Get the Gospel Out

I can accept that not everyone is great at communicating. Having said that, I think it is a gift and a skill that can be developed. Even so, some people will make their greatest contribution to the spread of the gospel by giving money to people who are skilled and devoted to directly spreading the gospel. Consider giving money to a faithful evangelist or someone with that gift. I can tell you from experience that many an evangelist has needed to give themselves to other activities besides evangelism simply because of a lack of resources. Evangelists still need to look after their families, and they usually want to spend money to help the message go to more people. So by helping evangelists – even part time evangelists, you are helping the gospel go out.

Your prayers also make a great difference. Pray both for the preachers and for those who you want to hear the message. Both groups need your prayers. Without lots of prayer, evangelism produces limited results.





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