Dare to Have Relationship with God – by Evangelist Rambabu

If you remember nothing else about this book, please remember this chapter. Although all that you have read until now is very exciting, what makes it all happen is contained in this chapter.

Our relationship with God is the key that unlocks everything that is His best for us into our lives. It is the key to every successful ministry. We read in Psalms 84:1-12:

How lovely is your dwelling-place, O Lord Almighty! My soul yearns, even faints, for the courts of the lord; my heart and my flesh cry out for the living God.

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Partnership in the Gospel – by P.S. Rambabu

Partnership in the Gospel

Some relatively simple – but hard-hitting – questions are posed by Paul in Romans 10:14-15:

How, then, can they call on the one they have nol believed in? And how can they believe in tin- one of whom they have not heard? And how can (hey hear without someone preaching to them’.’ And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”

The answer to each question is equally simple, “They cannot.” A person cannot hear and believe without someone proclaiming the gospel message to them.

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Effects of Preaching the Gospel

The doctors say that perfect eyesight is 20/20 – vision.
When I read Acts 20:20 one day it brought a vision that changed my life. From that day I have followed the 20/20 vision!

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Five Principles of Success

Five Principles of Success:

1. Think or dream BIG enough for God to fit into your thoughts:

Jesus said to His disciples: “Go into all the world.” Up until then they had never been anywhere. Vision will always stretch every fiber of your being.

If you make your dream match your bank account, you won’t get far. Allow your dream to match God’s bank account. There is a school of thought which says that numbers are not important.

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Just Do it – from Dare to Win by Rambabu – Chapter 4

The Bible declares that God raised up Saul to be the King of Israel. When Saul later rebelled and sinned against God, God rejected him and transferred his favor to David. David was a mere shepherd boy, yet God took him and made him ruler over Israel. The former shepherd boy was now established as king.

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Use What you Have – by P.S. Rambabu

Chapter 3

Using what you have

So you know that the Lord has called you to serve Him. You know He has anointed you. But you want to know where to start in your ministry and how to see that anointing grow. You may wonder why not everyone who is indwelt by the same Holy Spirit see amazing things happening in their lives.

The points I am going to make in this chapter are so simple that you will wonder why you have been wasting your time up until now. The Bible says in Acts 10:38: …

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Impossible to Possible – Part 2 – Dare to Win – by Rambabu

When the Holy Spirit comes on you, a damp squib, a WlNh-out, will become a stick of dynamite. The impossible Will become possible.

I Samuel 8:4 tells us that Israel wanted a King:

So all the elders of Israel gathered together and came to Samuel at Ramah. They said to him, “You are old, and your sons do not walk in your ways; now appoint a King to lead us, such as all the other nations have.”

Samuel was displeased, that the people did not recognize the LORD as their King.

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Walk in Courage (i)

Everywhere I go, I am always asked why it is that God chooses to use me. People say: “You were born into a Hindu family, in a place called Bellary which no one has ever heard of. Yet God uses you so powerfully. What’s the secret?

Well, brothers and sisters, I can honestly say that God has no favorites. He never says that one man is very special and another is not. To God, every one is equal. The Bible says that we serve a God who is no respecter of persons.

So if it is true that God loves everybody the same, why are some people used and others not?

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Grace to Forgive – Power to Heal

Which Way Lord – Chapter 16 – Dr Chandrakumar

Grace to Forgive – Power to Heal

And it came about one day when Jesus had come back to His own city Capernaum that He was teaching; and many were gathered together, so that there was no longer room, even near the door. There were some Pharisees and teachers of the law sitting there, who had come from every village of Galilee and Judea and from Jerusalem; and the power of the Lord was present to heal them.

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