Impossible to Possible – Part 2 – Dare to Win – by Rambabu

When the Holy Spirit comes on you, a damp squib, a WlNh-out, will become a stick of dynamite. The impossible Will become possible.

I Samuel 8:4 tells us that Israel wanted a King:

So all the elders of Israel gathered together and came to Samuel at Ramah. They said to him, “You are old, and your sons do not walk in your ways; now appoint a King to lead us, such as all the other nations have.”

Samuel was displeased, that the people did not recognize the LORD as their King.

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Are the Spiritual Gifts in the Bible Still for Today?

I contend that there is NOTHING in the New Testament that says or even implies that God will withdraw the supernatural spiritual gifts from the church. Neither did the Holy Spirit promise to stop communicating with people as He did in Bible days.

I intend to show from the Sciptures that tongues, prophecy and words of knowledge will continue until Jesus comes back and we see Him face to face. (1 Corinthians 13:8-12).

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Speaking in Tongues through the Holy Spirit

What is Speaking in Tongues

Speaking in tongues, for the Christian, is a way of allowing the regenerated human spirit to pray to God or to praise God, or to speak a message from God, without the interference or limitations of the human mind. Speaking in tongues actually happens when a person allows syllables to flow out of their mouth without consciously controlling them. When a Christian is empowered by the Holy Spirit in this, it is a powerful spiritual practice.

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Two Versions of the Gospel

In the evangelical/pentecostal churches there are actually two different versions of gospel being presented by people who would claim they take the Word of God as their authority in faith and practice. I want to draw your attention to the fundamental issue in question here, because it has to do with your ETERNAL SALVATION.

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Marlene Brown returns to Christ

I was born in a large Christian family. Ever since I know my father he has always been a Minister of the gospel. He is also the founder of a church in the community where we lived.

Being the youngest of twelve children, it was only natural that I attended church on a regular basis.

I accepted the Lord as my personal Saviour at an early age. Actually this was during my early years at High School.

At that time my only desire was to seek the Baptism of the Holy Ghost and to receive the gift of speaking in tongues.

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Come Holy Spirit

A Practical Guide to being Baptized and Filled with the Holy Spirit

A Practical Guide to Being Baptized and Filled with the Holy Spirit

This article assumes that you believe in the Baptism in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in unknown tongues. If this is not the case, or you have questions on the subject I refer you to the more extensive article here.

What to Do to Be Baptized in the Holy Spirit:

1. You must believe in your heart that Jesus Christ rose from the dead, confess Him as Lord, and give yourself to Him.

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