Beware of date setting and casting lots

Recently I drew attention to the prophecy of Dr David Uwuor concerning an impending tsunami and earthquake to hit the east coast and north west of Australia respectively. I made it clear that Dr Uwuor did not set a date, however, there were other people who had received various messages and confirmations that there would be earthquakes and tsunamis around the coasts bordering the Pacific ocean on September 3 (USA time).

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Prophecies of Judgment

There are one or two men of God I am aware of who are accurately prophesying world events that hit the news before they happen. One is Prophet T.B. Joshua and the other Prophet Dr David Uwuor.


If you become aware of others whose prophecies may be worth taking note of, please let us know.

There are an abundance of false prophets out there. Usually they are the ones telling you in the name of the Lord to give them money.

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Some thoughts on The Love of Money

The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil IN THE CHURCH. Not only outside the church.


Money is the accepted means of exchange for “might” and “power”. People
will go to work for you in exchange for money, they will sell their
“might” and “power” to you for money. But God says, “It is NOT by might,
NOT by power – but BY MY SPIRIT says the Lord”. The love of money is
what has been pushing the Holy Spirit and His gifts out of the
pentecostal churches.


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Smith Wigglesworth’s Vision of End-time Revival and Mass Awakening


This account comes from Lester Sumrall’s book – Pioneers of Faith. Sumrall relates how he met Smith Wigglesworth during the dark days of World War II and gives the following account:

“… Shutting his eyes again, he said, ‘I see the greatest revival in the history of mankind coming to Planet earth, maybe as never before. And I see every form of disease healed. I see whole hospitals emptied with no one there. Even the doctors are running down the streets shouting.’

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Walking in Love

This category will develop to build up a resource of things that are relevant to developing ourselves in God. We acknowledge the key role of the Holy Spirit in all this. Our prayer is that these resources will be used by Him to conform us to the image of Jesus Christ, the beloved Son of God.

  1. A Definite Chief Aim · This article explains the value of a Definite Chief Aim in life for the Christian, how to get one, and why it will work for you.
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Swine Flu or something like it – Jesus prophesied PLAGUES

Swine Flu has already caused the deaths of a number of until recently healthy adults in Mexico. In the last few days the world has been alarmed about the spread of this so-called Swine Flu. This nasty virus, we are told, might lead to a pandemic – the spread of a disease which could kill MILLIONS – maybe TENS of MILLIONS of people.

One of the end-time signs that Jesus spoke of in Matthew 24 was “plagues”, or “pestilences”.

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Very Urgent Prophetic Warnings for North Americans (and others)

Dear Brethren,

I am not a prophet or a seer but as a child of God I have been praying and seeking to understand God's prophetic word and to have understanding. I want to report some links concerning the IMPENDING LOSS OF LIBERTY THAT AMERICANS WILL SUFFER. Please listen to the link below and bring it before God. You can skip the first 10 or 15 minutes of this clip if your time is short. You need to hear what these brethren saw and ask God if these things be so.

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A Watchman/Prophetic Ministry worth Hearing

In my view, many of the big-name ministries of today’s pentecostal/charismatic world have now entered into deception. The love of money has corrupted them.

The sin of Balaam is to seek to prophesy and trade in spiritual things for FINANCIAL REWARD. If its not obvious to you that the majority of television preachers/prophets today on the major networks are doing just that, then I submit to you that you need to WAKE UP.

I have stumbled upon the website of a minister of the Word of God who is exhorting people to REPENT. It seems that his prophetic warnings are COMING TO PASS.

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