What Jesus did in Spiritual Warfare

God the Father sent Jesus into the world for a reason. The Bible says in 1 John 3:8, “For this purpose was the Son of God manifest, to destroy the works of the evil one.” Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil. One demon sensed this when he cried out through a man in the synagogue, “Have you come to destroy us?” (Mark 1).

In order to overcome the devil’s works, Jesus needed to overcome severe temptation. This he did firstly in the wilderness at the end of his 40 day fast. He did it by saying, “It is written” and following it up with a quotation from God’s Word.

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Two Versions of the Gospel

In the evangelical/pentecostal churches there are actually two different versions of gospel being presented by people who would claim they take the Word of God as their authority in faith and practice. I want to draw your attention to the fundamental issue in question here, because it has to do with your ETERNAL SALVATION.

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Man Saved from Sexual Addiction

This testimony is about my husband and how he got free from sexual addiction. He came from a religious family (controlling). He became addicted to porn and masturbating. His family almost broke us up soon after marriage, and I was so upset all the time, he felt rejected by me. He used it as a comfort, so he went back to the porn and masturbation. He had had a problem with it in the past, but it had been fine up to this point when he felt rejected. Then it got BAD. The more he felt like he’d caused pain in my life, the more he hurt me, the more he turned to sexual sin.

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Are you a good person?

Are You a Good Person? If good people go to heaven when they die, how good do you have to be to be good enough to go to heaven?

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