The Crooked Lines of God

The Crooked Lines of God Perhaps you have voiced to God the complaint that both Job and Jeremiah also did, that sometimes things just don’t

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Psalm 7: A Call for Personal and Worldwide Justice

Psalm 7: A Call for Personal and Worldwide Justice

This psalm reveals a deep truth about how God dispenses his justice–and it is a truth that the world does not understand. Three passages from Scripture are listed below to illustrate this failure of the world to understand how God metes out judgment and justice:

“Evil men do not understand justice, but those who seek the Lord understand it completely” (Prov. 28:5 RSV).

“A man’s own folly ruins his life, yet his heart rages against the Lord” (Prov. 19:3 NIV).

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Faith with Obedience Brings Healing

Jesus went to the sheep market in Jerusalem, which is right near the pool called Bethesda (Jn. 5:1-16). The word “Bethesda” means, the house of mercy, but to many it was a house of misery. In verse 1 John links this miracle with the healing of the nobleman’s son in the previous chapter. Having dealt there with human doubt, Jesus now prepares to deal with human disability.

1. A Sad Group Of People

A group of sick and sad people were around the pool. Perhaps, they were rejected by doctors and forsaken by the relatives and the society.

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The Battle is His – Victory is Mine

Which Way Lord? – Chapter 13 – Dr Chandrakumar

The Battle Is His, Victory Is Mine

Victory is your inheritance, if you are born again, and belong to the kingdom of God by receiving Christ in your life. First, desire your victory, await readily anticipating it to come on your way and then claim it through the word of God, “You give me your shield of victory and your right hand sustains me…” (Ps. 18:35). Jesus said, “…Take courage, I have overcome the world.” (Jn. 16:33).

Our victory is solely based on Christ’s Victory on the cross.

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Faith is Seeing the Unseen

Which Way Lord – Chapter 9 – By Dr Chandrakumar

Faith Is Seeing The Unseen

God can move mountains. But we can move God himself! Faith is the means to move God.

Faith is trusting God for something to happen which we have not seen or experienced before. It is different from belief. We believe some thing that is already known to us. I don’t need faith to believe that I am wearing a wristwatch. Belief is past tense and faith is future tense. St.

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Climate Change / Nature Religion Agenda Exposed

The Goal is Religious, It is Idolatrous

   “The earth is literally
our mother, not only because we depend on her for nurture and shelter
but even more because the human species has been shaped by her in the
womb of evolution.  Our salvation depends upon our
ability to create a religion of nature

– Rene Dubos, board member
Planetary Citizens

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Political and Social Issues

Christians have all kinds of different political beliefs and persuasions today. Christians also adopt different views on many different social issues.

These things can be discussed, but it is not wise for anyone to insist that it is necessary to hold certain political views in order to be right with God.

In many ways, these issues are secondary to the Christian, because Jesus said, “My Kingdom is not of this world”.

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Thanksgiving for Answered Prayer from Psalm 119

Thank you Lord that you do not let me wander from Your commandments.
(Psalm 119:10)

Thank you Lord that you teach me Your statutes.
(Psalm 119:12)

Thank you Father God that you deal bountifully with me that I may live and keep Your word.
(Psalm 119:17)

Thank You Father God that You open my eyes, that I may see wonderful things from Your law.
(Psalm 119:18)

Thank You Father God that You do not hide Your commandments from me.
(Psalm 119:19)

Thank You Father God that You remove from me reproach and contempt as I keep Your testimonies.

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The State of Justice in the U.S.A.

I refer to the article at

Of course, you never know how much of what is reported is true, but for now, I will write as if what is written here is true, and see what this might mean from a Christian point of view.

It seems that this woman, Mary Winkler, who willfully shot her husband to death might get off with 7 months jail time.

She was convicted of “voluntary manslaughter”. That term makes about as much sense as “involuntary murder”.

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