The Terror of the Night

The Terror of the Night Most people do not take life seriously enough. This is the conclusion of a person famous for his wisdom, king

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Identify your Enemy

by Paul Ross. A compulsion is anything that enslaves you, binding you to a repeatable pattern. Now today I want to talk about the nature of

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A Last-Days Message from the Psalms

As we enter into these frightening last days of this world, a message of comfort, peace, and hope is given to us in the Psalms. We will need these words as this world descends into great wickedness, calamities, and suffering. Listen, then, to the message which God provided ahead of time for us, in the Psalms, to encourage us to look to him for protection as the world collapses around us and our salvation draws nigh.

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More on Salvation from the Teachings of Jesus

Of course there is a lot in the teaching of Jesus about the big subject of salvation, but I am especially concerned with the things Jesus taught regarding the CONDITIONS God lays down for those who are going to be ultimately saved. If a thousand men teach me that there is no reason to fear the loss of my salvation if I am spiritually lazy and religiously compromised, but Jesus tells me the opposite – then I would be wiser to take heed to what Jesus said, right? After all, HE is the One I will have to stand before, probably in less than 30 years from now at the latest.

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Prayer Pastoring – Chapter 2 – Grace

This is the second chapter of our eBook
on Prayer Pastoring. The first chapter dealt with step one praying
for mercy. We often have judgements against us that halt our prayers
for ourselves therefore we need God’s mercy. Without mercy our
prayers are hindered. We often mistake opposition as coming from
spiritual warfare but many times it is coming from God himself and we
are reaping what we have sown. This opposition is the judgement of
God. Chapter one explains this process.


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Saved from Slavery – Mental and Physical – Saved from Porn addiction – Saved from Jail

I would like to take this opportunity to let people know that I have witnessed & experienced the truly divine intervention from my savior in our Lord Christ Jesus. From things I fought so hard to control but was only able to overcome through the Glory of God. THE LORD IS GREAT the promises from the Bible and the miracles we all know about, are not just history, but examples of what God is ready to do in your life. The “key” is your faith=believing that God will do what you ask. You are welcome to email me for details or questions etc at [email protected].

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Your Dreams can be Resurrected

As I travel around the world preaching the gospel in numerous churches and cities, time and time again I see first-hand the searing pain felt by people with unfulfilled dreams. Some have heard of our exploits in the mission field to which we have devoted our lives and it convicts them in their hearts.

Tear-filled eyes gaze at me after services as these people bare their hearts to me, confessing that God called them to reach the nations years ago. “I wish I had gone,” they sigh.

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Effects of Preaching the Gospel

The doctors say that perfect eyesight is 20/20 – vision.
When I read Acts 20:20 one day it brought a vision that changed my life. From that day I have followed the 20/20 vision!

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