True and False Apostles

Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, and Timothy our brother. (1:1)

Paul is writing with tremendous spiritual authority. He is writing as an ‘apostle’, literally, ‘a sent one’ of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ actually sent Paul out by divine revelation. Paul has learned to know the voice of the Lord, and the Lord has entrusted Paul with a lot of responsibilty. Paul is not an apostle because he wanted to be, but because God chose him to be. It was the will of God.

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Where can we find a revival?

A real Christian would naturally be very interested in revival and awakening. In recent years, certain streams have begun in the Body of Christ which have had considerable influence in a short time. One thing is clear, intelligence alone is no defense against deception – no matter who is right. My personal view is that we should major on majors, and minor on minors.

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False Prophets and False Teachers

“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits.” (Matthew 7:15,16).

This is the commandment of Jesus. Ignore it at your peril.

Many ministers of the gospel start off well, with a genuine call of God. But somewhere along the line, Satan comes in with an offer, just as he did to Jesus.

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Satanic Tactics

“… for we are not ignorant of his devices.” (2 Corinthians 2:11)

Paul and his close co-workers made it their business not to be ignorant of Satan’s devices. This does not mean that Paul spent a lot of time researching all the dark secrets of Satan’s kingdom. No. Paul said to the Romans, “I want you to be wise in what is good, but simple (innocent) concerning evil. And the God of peace will crush Satan under your feet shortly” (Romans 16:19). Honestly, we don’t need to be “au fait” with all the latest conspiracy theories and what Satan may or may not be doing (Isaiah 8:12,13).

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What Jesus did in Spiritual Warfare

God the Father sent Jesus into the world for a reason. The Bible says in 1 John 3:8, “For this purpose was the Son of God manifest, to destroy the works of the evil one.” Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil. One demon sensed this when he cried out through a man in the synagogue, “Have you come to destroy us?” (Mark 1).

In order to overcome the devil’s works, Jesus needed to overcome severe temptation. This he did firstly in the wilderness at the end of his 40 day fast. He did it by saying, “It is written” and following it up with a quotation from God’s Word.

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Introduction to Spiritual Warfare

Things will be right when God takes his rightful place in our lives and in our societies. Most people have no idea how good it is to actually enjoy God’s favor and presence on a daily basis. Its amazing. It is possible, and it beats anything else you could ever experience. But God gave us freedom of choice. Unfortunately, mankind has used this freedom to give tremendous authority to invisible evil spirits including Satan, their chief. These spirits have deceived people everywhere, including many Christians, on just about every point that is truly important.

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Delivered from Mormon Deception

Michael, thank you for your insight on whether or not Christians can have demons. I appreciate that there are Christians who will take my experience at face value rather than wondering if I was truly a Christian when this devil entered me. I know there is great controversy on this subject among Christian scholars but for those of us who have experienced deliverance, there is no question as to whether or not a Christian can have a demon.

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