Do Not Follow the Crowd: the dangers

“Do not follow the crowd in doing wrong” (Ex. 23:2).

It should be obvious to anyone that we are not to do wrong, but this verse singles out doing wrong by following a crowd. Why? Because it is often so much easier to do wrong when you are in a crowd than when you are alone. For in a crowd there is often a real pressure to do what they do or risk being subject to ridicule, or worse, actual physical attack in the case of political uprisings and mob mentality or riots. Nevertheless, Scripture is clear: Whatever the risks, we are not to go along with the crowd in doing wrong.

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Black Holes and Hell

Black Holes and Hell: Surprising Similarities

I have long been struck by the striking similarities between those mysterious objects of our universe called black holes and the place the Bible calls hell. In fact, the more I think about it the more convinced I am that black holes are a sobering reminder from God to us of the terrible reality of hell. For everything that exists in this visible world in some way shows us something about the invisible spiritual world. as Romans chapter one shows us.

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Psalm 4: The God that Works

This is the fourth in the series of what the Holy Spirit shared with me concerning the Psalms.

Psalm 4< 4:1:“Answer me when I call to you, O my righteous God. Give me relief from my distress; be merciful to me and hear my prayer.”

At first, this might seem to be another plea for help from God to deliver the psalmist from his troubling plight. There are, after all, many such psalms and God himself invites us to do this very thing, to turn to him in our troubles and seek his help: He wants to be our God, who helps us in our time of need:

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Psalm 3: God Delivers Us from Fear and Foe

This is the third in the series of what the Holy Spirit shared with me concerning the Psalms.

Psalm 3

We may tend to forget how dire were the circumstances faced by the real people of the Bible. Here in Psalm three, David is in fear for his life, as even his own son Absalom has risen up against him. And Absalom had many with him, those he had craftily stolen away from his father, king David. David shows his real fear and concern for the situation in his cry to God:

3:1“O Lord, how many are my foes! How many rise up against me!”

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