A Royal Heart

                    A Royal Heart We are a chosen generation with Royal hearts, called to live our

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To Be or not To Be: Why Existence Is Good

A common objection raised against the existence of God is the existence of evil: How can there be a God since evil exists? Or if there is a God, then does not the existence of evil show that he himself must be cruel or evil? Both of these questions actually derive from a more basic question yet: Is existence itself good or bad? This is not an idle question, nor is it solely a matter for theologians. It has very practical and personal implications.

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Many Truths about God in a Single Verse

“He who forms the mountains, creates the wind, and reveals his thoughts to man, he who turns dawn to darkness, and treads the high places of the earth–the Lord God Almighty is his name” (Amos 4:13 NIV).

This is a brilliant and succinct summary of all of history, the vastness of all of reality, and much of what we need to know about life–all contained in this one verse of the Bible. It is a message of eternity, origin, destiny, judgment, salvation, and the nature and character of God. Quite an accomplishment for just a few words and a single verse.

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Faith is Seeing the Unseen

Which Way Lord – Chapter 9 – By Dr Chandrakumar

Faith Is Seeing The Unseen

God can move mountains. But we can move God himself! Faith is the means to move God.

Faith is trusting God for something to happen which we have not seen or experienced before. It is different from belief. We believe some thing that is already known to us. I don’t need faith to believe that I am wearing a wristwatch. Belief is past tense and faith is future tense. St.

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The Fall of Man

WE BELIEVE: that man was created by God by a specific, immediate act and his image and likeness morally upright and perfect, but fell by voluntary transgression. Consequently, all men are separated from original righteousness, being depraved and without spiritual life. Gen 1:26-31; 3:1-7; Romans 5:12-21.


The first three chapters of Genesis give us a detailed account of the creation of this world and the creation of man. What is quite clear is the perfection of God’s creation; everything was good.

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