Christopher Hitchens blasts the outgoing pope for covering up sex crimes against children

We see here the late Atheist Christopher Hitchens blasting the outgoing pope and saying "Ratzinger himself may be banal, but his whole career has the stench of evil – a clinging and systematic evil that is beyond the power of exorcism to dispel."

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Is Mary as taught by Roman Catholics the Way to Salvation?

Roman Catholics have for centuries had a concept of Mary, the mother of Jesus, which goes far beyond, and even contradicts what the Bible says about her.

Pope John Paul II states in his book 'Theotokos' pg 234: "On Calvary, Mary united herself to the sacrifice of her Son and made her own maternal contribution to the work of salvation, which took the form of labor pains, the birth of the new humanity."

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Dealing with Roman Catholicism

Roman Catholics who believe the doctrines of their church authorities believe that it is impossible to have a saving relationship with Christ without the Sacraments of their Church – such as the Mass, Penance etc. True or false?

If Roman Catholics truly believe that God’s grace only comes through their rituals administered by their priests with “Holy Orders” then are they preaching another gospel? And if they believe the wafer they administer is fully Jesus Christ, are they preaching another Jesus?

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Healed From HIV

I am giving this testimony, so that many may increase in faith as I did. About three weeks ago I took my child for an HIV test. My Child had been having unprotected sex without my knowledge and I wanted to make sure my Baby was ok. So we went for STD and HIV test just to make sure. Nearly, a week after the test, I recieved the worst call of my life.On my way to work, the Dr. stated that the the HIV test for my child was postive and I needed to take my only child to the infectious disease doctor, I nearly fainted. In an instand my focus and life changed. I went into prayer mode right away.

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A renewed love

    I’ve always believed in Christ, I was raised in a religous home but life itself wasn’t always so sweet. I drifted in and out of churches as a youngster, I always knew that Christ is real. But growing up as a teen I fell into bad habits, but not as bad as those around me. I always felt like I was on the border line, but something kept me from becoming wreck-less and lost.

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Anglicans and Roman Catholics are planning for unity

Roman Catholic and Anglican theologians have been working on documents expressing issues they face in trying to work out how to bring their organsations into what they call “full communion”. One such document, called “The Gift of Authority” basically emphasises that this unity will be under the Pope of Rome. I quote from the document below:


52. The Commission is of the view that we have deepened and extended our agreement on:


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