How to Abide in Jesus and Know It

John taught often the power and importance of abiding in Jesus. Here he tells us how we can do this, and how we can be sure that we really are abiding in Jesus. God gives us confirmation that we are through His Spirit.

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Genuine Love Makes Sacrifices

In the teaching of the apostles, its not enough to speak loving words to people in need. Practical help is required. It cost God a great deal to send Jesus to pay for our sins. That is the nature of God’s love.

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Video: Murderous Religion vs The Way of Love

So much religion in the world today is inspired by Satan, the murderous enemy of mankind, and so its adherents practice murder, too. It has been this way since the beginning of human history, with Cain killing his brother essentially over religious jealousy.

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How to Tell Who is a Child of God and Who a Child of the Devil

The answer to this question is given explicitly and repeatedly in 1 John 3, and elsewhere in the book of 1 John. Jesus also referred to it on the Sermon on the Mount.

Complicated theologies which attempt to discount the importance of repentance from dead works in truly coming to Christ and staying with Christ cannot be reconciled with John’s simple test of who actually IS a child of God.

Comments are welcome.

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Casting Out Demons – Some Lessons from Mark 1:21-28

Jesus is our example. A big part of his ministry was in casting out demons. When the presence of the Lord is manifesting strongly enough, the demons in people start to stir up. Demons often have better knowledge and theology than those who are listening to the message, as we see from this passgae.

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Don’t Get Stuck in the Past – 1 Samuel 16

There are lessons in 1 Samuel 16 concerning the risk of getting stuck in the past – excessively mourning over past mistakes and failures, or looking to the past to identify what God wants to do now.

God wants us to quit mourning, get filled and led with the Holy Spirit, overcome our fears, obey Him and discern with spiritual discernment so we can avoid the traps that challenged the prophet Samuel.

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